MEK defectors, Shahbaz and Soleimani were released from Karrec

MEK defectors, Shahbaz and Soleimani were released from Karrec

On November 8th, 2023, Mehdi Soleimani and Hassan Shahbaz Hosseini, who were detained in the Karrec refugee camp in Albania for almost a year, were released, Nejat Society Albania reported. They are defectors of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) and members of Nejat Society Albania.

MEK defectors, Shahbaz and Soleimani were released from Karrec

Shahbaz and Soleimani were detained almost a year ago. According to Nejat Albania, after proving that all accusations were invalid, they were released unconditionally.

According to the report, these guys never gave up. They refused to sign the paper to announce that they allegedly voluntarily leave Albania.

MEK defectors at Nejat Albania Office

Last year six former members of the MEK were detained as illegal refugee. Four of them had been released earlier. Nejat Society Albania express its gratefulness to defense attorney Irwin Grabova and the authorities of the Albanian government, who finally released these innocent Iranians.

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