Drug trafficking mafia of the MEK in the Kingdom of Sweden

drug trafficking mafia of the MEK in the Kingdom of Sweden

According to Tasnim News Agency, an important part of the drug mafia network is active in the Kingdom of Sweden, and its members are formed by doctors who have a history of being a member of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) and have participated in the terrorist operation known as “Forough Javidan”.

The task of this network is mostly in the field of finance and support of the MEK, and they are specialized in providing their items and necessities, especially the medical items. Such as ethanol, Gelofen tablets, a number of oximeter devices, ventilators, gowns and sheets for infectious diseases, etc., as well as health items related to Corona, such as masks and specialized medicines, which were rare in Albania, were smuggled into this country and transferred to Ashraf 3 headquarters.

One of the methods of providing these drugs has been that the mentioned doctors work in different branches of medicine such as psychiatry, dentistry, pharmacy, and surgery, etc., and in the meantime, by writing fake prescriptions for the group members, they provide part of these drug needs.

The identity of some elements of this drug mafia network belonging to the MEK sympathizers residing in Sweden, who are also connected with the Swedish security service, has been obtained, which is as follows:
1.Hanifeh Kheiri: Resident of Malmö, Sweden
2.Amrneh Moaveni, the child of Mohsen and Fatemeh, born 1959 in Tehran, with the pseudonym: Azam Memari, resident of Stockholm, Sweden, head of the Iranian Women’s Society – Stockholm
3.Sina Dashti, son of Mohammad Mahdi – birth certificate number 982 – born in 1963 in Shiraz. Sina Dashti is a specialist in infectious diseases and a resident of Utoyori, Sweden, who was responsible for an important part of drug smuggling to Albania during the Corona era.
4.Farzaneh Dashti is a dentist living in Sweden who works with her husband Siamak Safari as part of the MEK’s mafia network in Sweden (Dashti Group).
5.Firouze Dashti, a member of Iranian specialist associations in Norway and her husband Behrouz Omid (dentist)
6– Seyed Ali Hashemi, the son of Seyed Mohammad, born in 1953 in Damghan, with the nickname of Dr. Ali or Ali Damghani, who is also in contact with his family by phone. He has two daughters who are active as a sub-group. Ali Damghani is one of the trusted doctors of the MEK, and he follows up the medical and treatment affairs of the cult in Sweden and other European countries, and he visits the MEK’s headquarters in Europe.

Another point about Hashemi is that he, along with his wife Razieh Tolo Sharifi (a doctor with the nickname Mahboobeh), one of his sisters named Fatemeh Hashemi and her sister’s husband, participated in the operation known as “Forough Javidan”, all of whom died except for Ali Damghani, and then, he married his sister-in-law named Mehri Tolo Sharifi. He has a son named Mohammad Reza from his first wife.

Based on this information, Ali Damghani also has a sister named Zahra, who travels to Sweden, and his other sister, named Razia, has a history of supporting Mujahideen and being arrested in her case at the beginning of the revolution. After marriage, Razia legally left the country and settled in Sweden, and in recent years, she has traveled inside the country.

Translated by Nejat Society

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