The third session of the court hearing for MEK trial

trial of MEK members

The third session of the court hearing the charges against 104 members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), as well as the nature of this organization as a legal entity, today, was held on Tuesday, December26th, in the eleventh branch of the Criminal Court of Tehran, presided over by Judge Dehghani and court advisors Morteza Turk and Amin Naseri.
A number of family members of the victims of MEK terror acts attended the hearing. At the beginning of the trial, the judge asked the representative of the prosecutor to stand and read the indictment.

The accusations of a number of defendants of the file were read by the prosecutor’s representative. These people include: Nikoo Khaefi, Mohammad Hayati, Zahra Bakhshai, Dowlat Noruzi, Morteza Esmaeelian marnani, Mehrban Hajinezhad, Golnar Javaheri Saatchi, Mahmood Atai Karizi, Homeira Hojati Emami, Abolghasem Rezai.
The indictment included the following crimes committed by the MEK during over 4 decades.

MEK as Saddam’s mercenary

The MEK cooperated with Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war. The MEK’s terror teams entered Iran with the help of Iraqi intelligence to launch cross border operations.
According to the indictment, some intelligence documents that have reached the Iranian intelligence ministry show that the MEK took oil from Iraq in exchange for assassination. Rajavi did not know that during the meetings the MEK leaders and the Iraqi intelligence officials, the meetings were recorded. After the fall of Saddam, the films were revealed.

Cross border operations from east of Iran

According to the intelligence documents, Masoud Rajavi asked General Haboush, the then head of the Iraqi Intelligence Service, to provide conditions for the MEK so that the group could enter Iran’s territory from the east of the country and carry out assassinations. Haboush asked Rajavi to carry out the operations of the MEK in Tehran.

Forough Javidan, military operation against your own nation

The MEK conducted a massive military attack against Iran enemy using more than 7,000 troops and hundreds of tanks and personnel carriers in 1988. The operation was financially and logistically sponsored by Iraqi army. 14188

MEK’s Reconnaissance teams

Prior to terrorist attacks, MEK’s reconnaissance teams selected their Iranian country-men who seemed to be religious. They marked the victims’ locations for terror teams. There were civilians including women and children among the targeted victims.

Smuggling arms for terror teams

The supplies of explosives and weapon required for terrorist operations were trafficked by the MEK forces through the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Bombing and mortar attacks

Once the teams are funded and armed, they launch acts of violence in urban areas most of which are nongovernmental, like the group’s mortar attack on Noor residential complex in 1999 that left several people killed and wounded.

Mohammad Mahdi Chizari, a survivor of the MEK’s mortar attack on the Noor residential complex in 1999, appeared on the witness stand following the reading of a part of the indictment related to this terrorist act. In response to the Judge’s request he showed his scars left from that terrorist operation.

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