Nejat Newsletter No.109

Nejat Newsletter No.90

Inside this issue:

– Happy New Year 2024
As the final whispers of 2023 fade and the world prepares to embrace the unknown promise of
2024, our hearts turn towards those who make life’s tapestry truly vibrant – our loved ones. These are the souls who hold our laughter in their echoes, our tears in their gentle hands, and our dreams in their unwavering support.

Nejat Newsletter No.109

– MEK do not hesitate to kill civilians
Mohammad Mehdi Chizari, a victim of the terror attacks of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK),said that in addition to losing his leg, he is still suffering from the damages of shrapnel left in his body after the mortar attacks committed by Akbar Khosravi was kidnapped by MEK

– Third session of the court hearing for trial of MEK leaders
The third session of the court hearing the charges against 104 members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK),as well as the nature of this organization as a legal entity, was held on Tuesday, December 26th, in the eleventh branch of the Criminal Court of Tehran, presided over by Judge Dehghani and court advisors Morteza Turk and Amin Naseri.

– Pooran Navai, a hostage of the MEK for 4 decades
Pooran Navai was a young girl when she joined the MEK, in the early years after the Iranian revolution.
Pooran was one of those youths who got Rashidis’ letter to Mosayeb Rashidi in the MEK’s camp MEK defector: Rajavi builds enemy out of family Ali Sepah Amiri children write letter to their captive father

– Rashidi’s letter o Mosayeb Rashidi in the MEK’s camp in Albania
My dear father, your daughter and grandchildren have been hoping for many years to see you in our hometown among family members. We have always wanted to live with you and experience and enjoy the feeling of having a father and grandfather.

– No to forced hijab, religion and government” a big lie by Maryam Rajavi
The MEK has published a book called “No to compulsory hijab, No to compulsory religion, No
to compulsory government” in English, which apparently contains a selection of Maryam Rajavi’s speeches. Taleb Jalilian admitted torture

– Nejat Society congratulates the Albania’s Independence day
On behalf of the Iranian community in Albania, we congratulate the government and people of Albania and wish everyone a joyous celebration for the 111th Independence Day.

– Taleb Jalilian admitted torture because there was no other way to leave the MEK
He joined the group when he was young but after a while inside the group, he reached a state of mind that he was ready to be imprisoned and tortured as a procedure to leave the group. The cult-like atmosphere of the MEK and its oppressive ruling made Taleb Jalilian,…

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