What was the fate of us 800 MEK children?

Whenever you see someone supporting the MEK, show them this video. This is the moment when more than 800 children, including myself, were separated, in most cases forever, from their parents by the MEK cult in 1991. Prior to that, our parents were forced to divorce each other. All based on Masoud and Maryam Rajavi’s orders.

What was the fate of us 800 children? No one will fully ever know because no one kept track. But many of us were transferred to foster families and homes where in many cases we were raped and abused. Sharing our stories is not easy, but a handful of us do because we found the courage within us to do so. A few hundred of us, including myself, were eventually lured back to Iraq “to find our parents” and ended up being recruited as child soldiers by the MEK, where we spent almost two decades within their ranks. I escaped and today I share my stories.

But the MEK will argue that their goal in doing so was to “save the lives of the children” and that they took them out of a war-torn Iraq during the first Persian Gulf War. And that they were sent to safe countries.
Then you should ask them:

– Why didn’t at least one parent accompany their child?
– Why didn’t the parents join their children after the war ended?
– Why are most of these children still separated from their parents after almost 35 years?

That is when you will come to the real answer that the MEK is an Islamic cult that has stripped its members of the most basic human rights and emotions. To the point where a mother, like mine, has no love for her son anymore and chooses loyalty to the cult and leader over family.
I will not we forgive. I will not forget. And I will continue writing and sharing my stories so the world can wake up to the evil the Islamist MEK cult represents.

Ray (Mohammad Reza) Torabi

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