Iran is a victim of terrorist backed by US backed terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organisation

IRGC: US attack ‘highly unlikely’

The Commander of the IRGC has described the US attack on Iran as ‘highly unlikely’, saying Washington knows Iran is different from Iraq.

Brigadier General Mohammad-Ali Jafari said the US is aware of Iran’s military capabilities and added that Tehran will give an ‘appropriate response’ if the US attacks the country.

The Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) made the remarks in an exclusive interview with Press TV on the 28th anniversary of the foundation of the Mobilization Resistance Force or Basij.

Jafari said, however, that there was the possibility of a ‘limited air campaign’ by the US on a number of sites in Iran.

In that case, we have to defend our country and we have the means to nullify their attacks, he added.

In another part of the interview, Jafari said the recent IAEA report indicated that Iran’s nuclear program is for peaceful purposes and described the US and Israel’s threats regarding the issue as ‘psychological warfare’.

In response to a question regarding the US accusations against the IRGC, Jafari said Iran is a victim of terrorism while the US backs the Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), an anti-Iranian terrorist group based in Iraq.

Jafari concluded that Iran will never wage a war on any country but will always remain prepared to defend its soil.

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