Home » Mujahedin Khalq Organization's Propaganda System » Holy Fighters in the Sidewalk

Holy Fighters in the Sidewalk

Translated from the article “Holy Fighters in the side walk “published in derstandard on October 23rd, 2008:

This summer hundreds of polish students figured out that their education in theMojahedin hired Polish students for demo!! Political Science field doesn’t protect them against a short free trip to Paris and being hired by a terrorist organization.

 Who can resist the offer of a three-day trip to the French capital for only 6 Euros (including the residence)?

 The advertisement of the trip was so deceiving that no student didn’t go into trouble to ask about the issues behind the scene and the sponsors of the discounted trip, although the condition to win the trip was to attend a political demonstration at Charle de Gole Airport.

Therefore, the polish inexperienced native students became the Islamic freedom fighters for a day.

 The demonstration in the airport is just the most recent activity of the expanded propaganda launched by the paramilitary Mujahedin Khalq Organization aka PMOI especially since the 1990’s.

 PMOI has been designated as a terrorist organization by the US and EU.

Besides their fundraising activities in the sidewalk of European cities (Coln is one of the most important bases of MKO in Europe) they hold gatherings and demonstrations including the ones in the summer of 2003 that reached its summit with the suicide of two exiled Iranians.  

MEK have repeatedly represented their threatening methods for the regime change in Iran.

People’s Mujahedin of Iran was founded in 1965 to oppose the Shah of Iran who was supported by the west and ruled Iran under his tyranny until the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

The first MEK founders based their ideology on a raw mixture of the revolutionary Marxism, partisan struggle of Huchi Min and Che Guara and the Shiite Islamic characteristics, decorated with a protesting movement against the exploitation of the society and governmental violence.  

The preferable device for MEK was from the beginning, the armed struggle to achieve the necessary power for their anti-shah and anti-American propaganda.

The MEK planned their first operation in 1971 intending to explode an electricity factory in Tehran while the celebrations on the occasion of the anniversary of the Iranian Imperial, but the plan was prevented by the regime ‘s security forces.  

Following that operation, the wave of arrests started and Masud Rajavi (who is today, together with his wife, the dictator leader of MEK) fled to Paris following his imprisonment sentence.  

The way the post revolutionary Iranian Regime (which had supported MEK at the beginning) treated MKO, forced them to go abroad and continue their bombings and anti-American and anti-Iranian activities not only in Europe where a lot of Iranians reside but also in Iraq.

In 1980’s Saddam Hussein sheltered the MEK who were discouraged by the regime of Tehran and in 1985 he used them as his mercenary in the first gulf war.  

MEK also collaborated with Saddam to suppress the Shiites and Kurds’ uprisings in Iraq and what removed the support of their compatriots in their motherland for ever.  

Then a type of cultural Islamic-Stalinist revolution appeared in the group and the cult of personality around the leadership of Masud and Maryam Rajavi was formed in a bizarre form of which the recent MEK’s slogan is the symbol:”Rajavi is Iran,Iran is Rajavi”   

 The MEK is represented in the west by its political arm National Council of Resistance (NCRI) which has owned a parliament in Paris since 1993.

The leadership council of MKO only includes women, that is a bizarre sign to the regime of Tehran which is ruled by males.

 Those who criticized the group’s approaches disappeared in Abu Qoraib prison (with the help of Saddam Hussein’s regime) where has already had the notorious reputation.

The Human Rights Watch presented a report on the testimonies of a dozen of MKO defectors who witnessed tortures and assassinations in the cult.

 After the American invasion to Iraq, the MEK bases in Iraq were bombarded but later the CIA hired MEK’s professional agents for intelligence operations inside Iran.

Outside Iran, the MEK who claim to have denounced military operations since 2001, are satisfied of the support they could enjoy by the future inexperienced generation and also the public opinion.  

For example the Austrian member of the European parliament , Karin Resetarits, asked for the removal of MEK from the list of terrorist groups, in a 2500 populated gathering in front of Iranian Resistance against the Islamic fundamentalism.”  

In December 2001, the MEK and its armed wing NLA were listed as terrorist entities following the European Union Council’s decision.

In June 2008, the British government decided to return their credit.

Translated by Nejat Society

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