Rajavi, Rigi to make Joint Terror front

Mojahedin Khalq terrorist group to be relocated to Pakistani boarder

Text of report by Iranian Tabnak news website on 16 February

Tehran, 16 February: [Opposition group] Mojahedin-e Khalgh Organization [MKO] and [Sunni rebel group] Rigi grouplet have held initial talks to make a joint front and cooperate.

According to Javan Online, the heads of the Rigi and Hypocrites [MKO] grouplets have recently met in an area in Pakistan and have held talks.

In this meeting, [head of the Rigi group] Abdolmalek Rigi has met with a number of the operatives and commanders of the Hypocrites grouplet and has held talks with them. He announced that he would be ready to have any sort of cooperation [with MKO] in line with making a terrorist group under the name of the Armed Forces Organization of Mojahedin.

It is said that provision of weaponry and exchange of information have been among agreed issues in this meeting prior to finalizing the decision to make a joint front.

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