Paris court summons two Mojahedin Khalq members

A French court has summoned two MKO members who incited one of the group’s supporters to set herself on fire in a June 2003 protest.

The 55-year-old Mahmoud Alami and 51-year-old Hossein Amini-Qolipour who are the members of the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) were summoned to face charges of encouraging a woman to commit suicide.

The MKO staged a protest in June 2003 against the French police raid on the MKO Headquarters in Paris.

Three MKO members committed suicide by fire during the protest held one day after the group’s leader Maryam Rajavi was arrested by the French police.

There are videos showing Alami and Amin-Qolipour buying gasoline near the demonstration site and giving it to Sediqeh Mojaveri who killed herself in the protest.

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