Iran hit out at EU’s approach towards MKO Terrorist group

‘Tehran Declaration positive step’

Iran’s Parliament speaker says the Tehran Declaration brokered by Brazil and Turkey roughly two weeks ago was yet another positive step by the Islamic Republic towards confidence building in the nuclear issue.

"Tehran expects nations such as Italy which have a history of friendship with Iran to adopt a fair and independent stance on its nuclear issue", Larijani was quoted by the IRIB as telling the Italian Ambassador to Tehran on Tuesday.

Larijani then hit out at the European Union’s approach toward the MKO terrorist grouping.

"Is the removal of a notorious international terror group from the list of terrorist organizations by certain European countries respect for human rights?" asked Larijani.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Iran’s Parliament speaker highlighted the need to further enhance already flourishing ties between Tehran and Rome.

"The people of both countries enjoy deep-rooted cultural and trade ties", added the top parliamentarian.

Larijani further underlined that the Iranian Parliament welcomes promotion of reciprocal ties in all areas.

The top Italian diplomat, in turn, said the international media blitz against Iran and the realities on the ground are poles apart, adding Tehran and Rome should work together closely to keep Iran’s image from being tarnished across the globe.

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