Iran Organizing Terror Victims Congress

Iran is organizing the first national congress of 17,000 Iranian terror victims in the capital, Tehran.

The Congress is set for August 30 which is observed as a day for fighting terrorism in Iran and is also the anniversary of the martyrdom of former Iranian president Mohammad Ali Rajaei and his Prime Minister Mohammad Javad Bahonar, who were lost their lives after an explosion ripped through premier Bahonar’s office in Tehran.

Bringing together experts from across the country and the world, the one-day conference intends to provide a platform for exchanging ideas that will help examine different aspects of terrorism, terror groups and a bunch of related issues, honor the victims of terror in Iran and pay tribute to the families left behind, organizers told Fars News Agency.

In 2012, Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism (ADVT) in Middle East said that the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) ‘has a long record in terrorist activities, including the assassination of 12,000 Iranian citizens, seven American citizens, and tens of thousands of Iraqi nationals’.

The MKO fled to Iraq in 1986, where it enjoyed the support of Iraq’s executed dictator Saddam Hussein, and set up its camp near the Iranian border. The group is known to have cooperated with Saddam in suppressing the 1991 uprisings in southern Iraq and carrying out the massacre of Iraqi Kurds.

Iran Daily

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Habilian Association to hold 1st congress on terrorism, terror victims

Habilian Association, human rights NGO representing the families of Iranian terror victims, in collaboration with various organizations is organizing the first National Congress of 17000 Iranian Terror Victims.

The Congress is set to be held on August 30, 8th of Shahrivar on the Persian calendar, which marks the day of Fighting Terrorism in Iran and the anniversary of the martyrdom of former Iranian president, Mohammad Ali Rajaei, and his prime minister, Mohammasd Javad Bahonar, who were killed after an explosion ripped through the Premier Bahonar’s office in Tehran.

By bringing together experts across the country and all around the world, the one-day conference intends to provide a platform for exchanging ideas that will help to examine different aspects of terrorism, terror groups, and a bunch of relevant issues and to honor the victims of terror in Iran and pay tribute to the families left behind.

All the interested parties from across the world are invited to submit their papers on any of the congress topics. The top three papers and all the accepted papers will be honored.

More information on the Congress, topics, and the Call for Papers can be found at:

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