Female defector officially declared her defection from the MKO

Sahar Adibzadeh denounced the Mujahedin Khalq Organization after she left the group’s camp in Iraq in 2015. She officially declared her defection from the group via Women Association Website on September 18th, 2018.

Sahar 39, was recruited by the MKO when she was in her 20s. “I was deceived by the group’s propaganda and trusted them,” she said.

She is now determined to launch her human rights activities in order to help release those who are still forced to stay in the Cult of Rajavi.

Adibzadeh has previously published parts of her memoirs of working with the group and living in its cult-like structure. However, she will appear on Mardom TV to publicly announce her defection from the cult. “Whoever who has defected the Cult of Rajavi should publicly denounce the group in order to stop any abuse by the side of the group,” she told Women Association.

She describes the suffocating atmosphere of Camp Ashraf as place where women are forced to wear uniforms with strict hijab; there are no children and all members are single. “I wondered why those women looked so sad!” Sahar said.

After experiencing the life inside Ashraf, the MKO collapsed in Sahar’s mind. “Gradually I found out that they had nothing to offer,” she added.


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