Batul Soltani

Suicide operation; a solution or sidestepping it

(An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – Part two )..the organization’s[PMOI/MEK/MKO] standards are absolutely different. The organization unrelentingly persisted that the ultimate solution to any problem was to offer a sacrifice. Somebody had to be sacrificed for the cause of the organization, which has been regarded more precious than the life of a militiaman, through suicide, self-harming operations or other similar acts. In one instance, as I remember, Rajavi in justification of the failure of the Operation Eternal Light stated that he had known from the very beginning that it was a futile operation from a military viewpoint,..

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A definition of suicide operations

(An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – Part one).Of the importance in the issue at hand is the materialization of the suicidal operations as a working means in the organization[MKO/PMOI/MEK], an adopted means committed in a variety of forms from the past to the present cultic form. The narrative by Mrs. Soltani presents an explicitly further account of what we have so far heard or read about the shocking incident. Looking at an issue from many different angles, her look seems to be novel in itself.

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Masud Rajavi is the fixed axis of the organization

(Memoirs of Ms. Batoul Soltani – part 15) -The key approach to know a political or an ideological movement is to know its leaders in the first place. Masud Rajavi is the fixed axis of the organization[MKO/MEK/PMOI] where the leadership is very important. Every individual who enters the organization is under close observation all the time and the person’s actions or reactions are watched

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A phenomenon called the “Leadership Council”

(Memoirs of Ms. Batoul Soltani – Part 14)..“If this operation had to be done before the formation of the Leadership Council, I would have had too much challenge to convince Mr. Hassan Nezam to prepare a unit for the operation, but now when I explain a plan for Ms. Roqayeh Abbasi or Ms. Mahvash sepehri, I don’t have to challenge them. I just tell them to do the plan and they go and operate it.”Rajavi alleged in a meeting after an armed operation..The pastime aspect of the leadership Council was used as a tool just inside MKO and not outside of it.

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Why did Rajavi create his so-called Leadership Council?

(Memoirs of Ms. Batoul Soltani – Part 13) – Imagine Rajavi as a spider that everything in the organization forms around him, just like a spider’s web. Looking at MKO’s background shows us that after the fall of Shah, the organization’s process was alienated by Rajavi’s personal desires. I mean, gathering every single supporter and member together, step by step, and then performing every single operation, one by one, followed by Rajavi’s demands. Therefore when you say that MKO/PMOI/MEK is a cult of personality around Masud Rajvi..

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Confessions of a former leader of MEK

“MEK played a prominent role in repressing the intifada in the southern Iraqi cities in 1991 as it sent forces from the organization to the cities of al-Amara and Diala, as the former regime did not rely on its soldiers more than relying on the MEK fighters in this particular respect,” Batoul Soltani said in a press conference she held in Baghdad on Saturday.

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Serious Confessions on MKO Crimes

Batul Sultani, former leader of the terrorist [Mojahedin-e] Khalq Organization, has divulged serious confessions about the nature of actions carried out by the organization. Al-Sultani has recently defected from the Ashraf Camp in protest against the policies implemented there ..In a video report by Al-Iraqiyah correspondent Haydar al-Abbudi, Al-Sultani is shown saying:”Mas’ud Rajavi had close relations with Saddam. He used to resort to him in many issues, like suppressing the sh’abaniyah uprising in the south and centre and the areas of Klar, Kifri, and Tuz Khurmatu in the north. Rajavi sent 5,000 members of the organization to quell the uprising and kill the innocents.”

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MEK helped suppressing 1991 uprising – defector

MEK played a prominent role in repressing the intifada in the southern Iraqi cities in 1991 as it sent forces from the organization to the cities of al-Amara and Diala, as the former regime did not rely on its soldiers more than relying on the MEK/MKO/PMOI fighters in this particular respect,” Batoul Soltani said in a press conference she held in Baghdad on Saturday

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Regime change in Iraq resulted dramatic changes for Rajavi

(Memoirs of Ms. Batoul Soltani – Part 12 )..In 1985 and 1986, Rajavi began his military campaign by bringing his innocent sympathizers from all over the world to Iraq by any means he could, including force, intimidation, and deception. They sent smugglers to gather homeless youth and bring them into the organization. When the recruits were transferred to Iraq, they settled in Camp Ashraf in North of Iraq. From the beginning, MKO/PMOI/MEK needed to have a section to organize its relations with the Iraqi government so it was established and named Foreign Relations Department.

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MKO instrumental misuse of individuals

Memoirs of Ms. Soltani – Part 11-2 – The organization recruited those who were out of job or those who had other problems and sent them out of the country through various ways… The duty of manpower part was to recruit those who had social problems and to send them abroad. They tricked many people outside and inside the country. They manipulated them using long-term emotional methods or they tried to control their thoughts in order to recruit them. Hence Masud Rajavi could gather a number of them in France.

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