Camp Ashraf Inhabitants

Who Is Concerned about Camp Ashraf Residents?

The restricted members have to suffer against their own will. At a time when they are in need of urgent action by the international institutions, the camp commanders, supported by the occupying forces, have prohibited any visit to the camp. At the same time, the heads of the organization running a comfortable life in European countries, organize rallies to weep crocodile tears over the members’ serious condition in Camp Ashraf.

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Camp Ashraf Residents Need Help

the new Iraqi government intends to expel not only the foreign forces but also all the outlawed groups including Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) regardless of the group’s initiated vast propaganda blitz to stabilize its stay in Iraq. As confirmed by Iraqi Parliament Speaker Mahmoud al-Mashhadani on July 6 in a meeting with his Iranian counterpart”MKO is under the protection of the US army and we will expel them permanently after the foreign forces leave our country”.

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On The Cult of Rajavi

Rajavi fled to Paris in disguise. There, he established the National Council of Resistance in Iran, the political umbrella of the Mujahedeen aka MKO/MEK/PMOI. In 1986, the French began forging ties with Khomeini and kicked out Rajavi and his squads of assassins, who ran into the arms of Saddam Hussein. Hussein had been welcoming the Mujahedeen for several years. (Many Mujahedeen political supporters did stay on in France as political refugees.) Rajavi, in return, betrayed his own countrymen, identifying Iranian military targets for Iraq to bomb, a move most Iranians will never forgive..The coup de grâce that metamorphosed the party into something more like a husband-and-wife-led cult was Massoud’s spectacular theft of his colleague’s wife

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