Iraq to Shutdown Camp Ashraf

Dislocation of Ashraf; the sole solution to set victims free

many have repeatedly focused on the necessity of holding a free referendum in Camp Ashraf. In this way, nobody would criticize Mojahedin leaders as for the decision made based on the demands of Ashraf residents and it will pave the way for Mojahedin to petition international bodies in order to achieve their demands. Earlier, Niyabati had elaborated on the psychological levers and factors aiming at convincing members to remain in the organization and made his attempts to justify the necessity of these factors; therefore, he dares not claim that all Ashraf residents are willing to remain in Iraq in the existing conditions. The main challenge of Mojahedin leaders at the time being is that MKO members cannot be transferred to another location as long as they are labeled as a Mojahed

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Avoid the disaster

The Mujahedin khalq Organization aka PMOI is the most isolated force among the Iranian political forces. It is designated as a terrorist organization by the US and the European Union. MEK’s behavior toward its political dissidents is bloody. It’s internal structure is dangerously similar to that of “Godess and Slaves”. The main characteristic of MKO is achieving the political power by any mean..Although the MEK has no common point with the other political forces of the country, the indifference regarding the fate of Ashraf residents will end with a disaster.

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MKO members free to choose a destination

No Iranians in need of protection should be sent to Iran against their will Amnesty International has written to both the Iraqi and US governments reminding them of their obligations under international law and urging them to continue to provide protection to people affiliated to and members of the People’s Mojahedeen Organization of Iran ( PMOI ), an Iranian opposition group based in Iraq.

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Iraqi army in control of Mojahedin Khalq camp

Iraq’s army has finally gained control of a camp holding anti-Iran terrorists after five years, says an Iraqi military official. ..The action came after the Iraqi government pressured the US forces in Iraq to end its support for the Mujahedin Khalq grroup and give the army control of the camp two months ago.

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Iraq takes control of Camp Ashraf

After a five-year US military presence and the protection provided by them to the monafeqin in Camp Ashraf [a pejorative that means hypocrites and refers to the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO)], efforts by the Iraqi government have succeed. Yesterday evening, the Iraqi military was able to take over control of the camp.

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Camp Ashraf is being handed over to Iraqi control

“the MKO, who are responsible for a lot of problems caused to the people and government of Iraq, are part of the former government of Iraq [Saddam’s regime] and the Iraqi govt has been adamant for some time now to expel them from the country….the first Iraqi batallion has been stationed around Camp Ashraf to take over control of the camp.

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Camp Ashraf Countdown by Anne Singleton

…In a message issued in 2006, Mojahedin leader Massoud Rajavi set his cult members a deadline of January 2009 by which time he told them if the Mojahedin had not overthrown the Islamic Republic of Iran, then all the residents of Camp Ashraf would be free to stay or leave: “Anyone who wants may leave, and I will myself throw out all those who are worthless. I will keep the rest who are pure, and then, I will tell them what they can do for me”…

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The Sand-Clock Counting down a Cult’s Days

…Rajavi has reiterated two important issues; the preservation of Camp Ashraf regardless of the price it might cost and the promise that the Iranian regime would collapse in a span of two years. In a message issued in 2006, he fixed January 2009 as the deadline for the collapse. In fact, when he was fixing the time, the Bush Administration had just entered the countdown to its last two years and Rajavi promised that if nothing happen at the end …

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