Iraq to move MKO Members from Ashraf Camp

UN Concerned about MKO’s Lack of Subordination

The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Iraq, Martin Kobler, expressed concern about the terrorist Mojahedin-Khalq Organization (MKO)’s resistance against a relocation of its members from its main training base in Camp Ashraf to a transient settlement facility in Camp Liberty around Baghdad…

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Kobler: Iraq the only negotiator part with UN

Kobler noted that”it is necessary for the international community to accelerate its efforts to resettle the population outside Iraq urgently,”stressing that”the United Nations will remain a partner in the process of peaceful and voluntary transfer and this is not negotiable.”

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U.S. Official: MEK are plainly wrong

On a conference call with reporters Monday, a senior administration official said MEK may have”over-interpreted”the court ruling, and may believe that Clinton has no choice now but to de-list the group. The official said that belief would be”quite plainly, wrong.”Clinton”retains complete discretion on this matter,”…

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US Senior Administration Officials On Camp Ashraf

the MEK aka MKO/PMOI has curtailed its contacts both with the Iraqi Government but even with the UN, refusing to meet with Ambassador Martin Kobler, the head of the UN mission in Iraq. The Iraqi Government has made clear that it wants Ashraf to be closed by Ramadan, which is July 20th. And we wanted – we, the United States wanted to make clear that …

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FM Undersecretary participates in European Parliament session

A statement by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs received by All Iraq News Agency (AIN) cited”The meeting focused on the efforts made by the Iraqi Government in order to secure the transfer of Camp Ashraf residents to Camp Liberty in a peaceful manner and in accordance with international standards and in respect to human rights and international humanitarian law.”

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State Department urges immediate full cooperation of MKO

The United States remains concerned about the situation at Camp Ashraf and urges the residents of Camp Ashraf to resume full cooperation immediately with the Iraqi Government and United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI). The United States also urges the Iraqi Government to intensify its efforts to fulfill its commitments..

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Iraqi Delegation to Apprise MKO-led crisis

The Iraqi government is reportedly dispatching delegations to Europe to underline facts about MKO’s aka MEK/PMOI clear contravention of law and regulations. The delegation expected to have meetings with politicians and reporters in Geneva and Brussels includes deputies from Iraq’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Justice and Human Rights, police and security departments..

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Beware of Violence Provocation by Mojahedin Khalq

Obviously enough, except MKO/MEK/PMOI, the UN, Iraqi government and all concerned bodies will to find a peaceful solution to the problem. It has been, from the very beginning, the antagonist side and the main impediment to the process of relocation. While there are hundreds of insiders with special needs, suffering from disabilities and serious medical conditions..

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