Families of the MEK hostages denied of their rights

Disgusting show on the MKO television

..the satellite television of the Rajavi cult showed two of its victims called Barat-Ali Rigi and Sa’id Sohrabi-Nezhad forced to insult their own families in front of the camera. These two shattered victims under severe psychological and physical pressures imposed by the Rajavi cult were made to call their own families “vile clown” and name the action of their suffering families as “circus of animal”…

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If they were American mothers . . . !

Rajavi is standing against the families and would not yield to their demands, since he thinks if he let his followers go outside the Ashraf garrison and visit their families they would learn about the outside world and the consequence would be that they no longer obey him and his cult would collapse. Once Rajavi’s[MKO/MEK/PMOI leader] slogan was “death to America” and he was proud of it. Then his main enemy became the Islamic Republic of Iraq and now the front line of his battle is the families.

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Latest news from the families in Iraq

At the present time hundreds of family members are stationed opposite the main gate of the cultic Ashraf garrison (base of terrorist MKO aka MEK/PMOI) in Iraq and their number is increasing. Their demand is to be able to visit their loved ones outside the garrison. This demand has been supported by the Iraqi government and the judiciary system of the country as well as the political parties and groups.

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Visiting human rights activists in Netherland

Following the appeal made by the families who have been picketing outside cultic base of Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO – Rajavi cult) to visit their relatives confined inside Ashraf garrison for nearly six months,.. Mr. Behzad Alishahi visited some representatives of independent humanitarian groups on 7th and 13th of July 2010 in The Hague in Netherland and informed them about the latest developments and the extent of psychological pressure over the members inside the cult ..

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Who is responsible for the continued suffering of the MEK victims’ families ?

… This is of course the heritage of Saddam Hussein for the Iraqi people, created by the Europeans. And American Forces, according to the RAND report, protected their base and kept it exactly as the MKO leaders desired. If the Americans are worried about their human rights why don’t they take them to their own country? The truth is that the Americans are not prepared to issue even one single visa for MKO members to enter their country while they force the Iraqis to …

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Western supporters of MKO must be cautious!

..I wished Mr. Bolton could remember the advice of his Neo Cons friends to President Reagan in arming Taliban and Terrorists of Bin Laden against the Soviet Union, and could understand how unwise it is to use terrorists and cults against those who one might consider as enemies…

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Thwarted escape attempt by a disaffected MEK member

Letter to the Iraqi Prime Minister to inform him of the thwarted escape attempt today by a disaffected member of the Rajavi cult from Camp Ashraf, in Diyala province….. May we remind your good self that after the escape of several members who managed to get themselves out in the recent months, the Mojahedin have been increasing their security by increasing the barbed wire fencing, and in addition have installed CCTV to monitor the movements of all their members. They have also banned any presence of ordinary members in the streets …

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Iranian families ,after the vigil for more than four months..

… Sheikh Mohammed Jassim Abdul, one of Diyala province tribal leaders, said said the elders and tribes of Diyala are demanding that the government and parliament work on removing this organization as soon as possible for several reasons, including its past cooperation with the former regime of Saddam Hussein against the Iraqi people. He considered that the MEK leaders’ rejection of families coming from Iran to see their children who were inside the camp is a violation and breach of human rights law and acts contrary to moral values …

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Iraqi Criminal Court issues arrest warrant against Massoud and Maryam Rajavi

… The Supreme Iraqi Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant against Massoud Rajavi, head of the Mojahedin Khalq, an Iranian opposition, Arrest warrants Have also been issued against 37 others, including his wife, Maryam Rajavi, and his lieutenant Kazemi, according to (s /1/149) of 13/6/2010, Article (12) in place of Article (15) of the Code of Court No. 10 of 2005, which means that the Iraqi Interior Ministry and Interpol are notified to bring them to court …

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Iranian Families of MKO victims asks Europe to ban the group

.. The statement highlighted the terrorist measures of the group killing 12,000 Iranians including women and children after victory of Islamic Revolution and its help to army of the former Iraqi President Saddam Hossein and Baath regime security services. ..”We are ready to provide you with evidence of crimes of the group.”The Iraq-based MKO aka MEK/PMOI is listed as a terrorist group by many international organizations and some countries …

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