The MEK’s terrorist activities

Saddam Hussein’s Links with International Terrorism

The toppled regime of Saddam Hussein actively supported international terrorism, and the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation, led by Massoud Rajavi, was at the top of the list of these terrorist organisations.
— The Mojahedin as part of Saddam’s military played a decisive role in the suppression of the internal uprisings in Iraq in 1991, and are responsible for the massacre of many Iraqi Shiites and Kurds who opposed Saddam.

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Evidence Proves MKO Massacred Kurds

We were passing the Kurdish township of “Tuz” when we heard the ill-fated voice of Rajavi on radios. “Revolutionary guards and agents of Iranian regime in Kurdish clothes are going to attack MKO members, therefore kill them as soon as you see them” this was his message!Neither anyone nor I could have thought that there’s something else behind this event.

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Yesterday’s Allies, Today’s Traitors

…These traitors have blamed Saddam Hussein for the operation Al-Anfal and the massacre of 1991 and didn’t accept any responsibility for these crimes.Besides these people, some terrorist groups helped Saddam Hussein in these operations, the most important of which is the MKO (Mojahedin-e khalq). The MKO, an Iranian opposition group based in Iraq takes advantage of Iraq’s resources and is protected by Americans…

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MKO, From”Forough”to Today’s Limbo

This operation, called by the MKO”Forough-e Javidan”(Eternal Light) and called”Mersad”(Ambsuh) by Iranian leaders, was the largest armed move by an iranian opposition group …Iranian military commanders say they withdrew intentionally in order to blow back later with stronger force.According to the officials, Revolutionary Guard and Basij forces started their final operation on July 27, when the MKO/PMOI was only 40 kilometers from the city of Kermansha. MKO forces were crushed heavily.

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MKO Documents Should Be Dumped

Ms. Lucy Smith, member of UN Commission for the rights of the child, stressed that most of MKO’s documents on Iran should be dumped…..Highlighting the main items of”Universal Convention on the Rights of the Child”, she pointed to the victims of MKO’s terror and violence and said:”Last year, I met a number of families of such victims and I was really affected.”

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Seven people were arrested at Los Angeles’ international airport on 27 February on charges of raising over $1 million for the MKO/PMOI. In a tactic common to MKO operatives, they posed as charity workers and solicited funds for orphans…This investigation has revealed that the money was really used to support terrorist actions..The operation was initiated by the German Bundeskriminalamt (BKA), which informed the FBI

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Charity Event May Have Terrorist Link

Pentagon adviser Richard N. Perle, a strong advocate of war against Iraq, spoke last weekend at a charity event that U.S. officials say may have had ties to an alleged terrorist group seeking to topple the Iranian government and backed by SaddamHussein….Perle, in an interview, said he was unaware of any involvement by the terrorist group, known as the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), and believed he was assisting the victims of the Bam earthquake

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Humanitarian ruse at L.A. airport raised funds for terrorists

FBI investigators said they had arrested seven members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq, a group dedicated to overthrowing the Iranian government. The organization is included on the U.S. State Department’s list of designated terrorist organizations. In recent years, its National Liberation Army has taken credit for armed raids on Iran from bases in neighboring Iraq.

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