Mujahedin Khalq Terror group

In Bed with Terrorists

“Hell-bent on regime change in Iran, some neoconservative hawks are lobbying the Bush administration to support an organization designated as a terrorist group by the State Department.”
A battle is brewing within the ranks of neoconservatives in Washington. Public flashes of private quarrels are uncommon among this rarefied circle of uber-hawks, who have been unanimous in shaping and supporting the Bush administration’s aggressive foreign policy. Yet they find themselves at odds over the most unlikely of issues: an Iranian terrorist group called PMOI or MKO.

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Combating Terrorism Requires New Outlook

the PMOI has many aliases such as MeK, MKO, NCRI, NLA, to name a few. But all refer to the same group, the Mojahdeen-e Khalgh (MeK). When the group was listed in the EU terror list, its members continued their activities under the façade of NCRI. The US State Department discovered this manipulative tactic by MeK and added the NCRI to the terror list in 2004. A judicial decision in Washington DC also concluded that NCRI is just an alias of the MeK, effectively rejecting the group’s claim that the two are two separate entities

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Does a Ruling Change the Truth?

Would it ever acquit a criminal of his committed crime if he merely washed off his blood-stained hands? In the same way, the removal of a terror tag from a notorious terrorist group with a long history of perpetrated terrorist atrocities against a nation will not change anything. Some may congratulate Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) for the ruling to be removed from the UK terror list and some may be shocked and dismayed

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Anniversary of Raid on a Sect called MKO

In Paris on Sunday 15 June ,2003, a judge ordered detention of the leader of MKO/PMOI/MEK and a number of her followers to face trial for possible links with terrorism. ..The DST, the French equivalent of MI5, claimed that Maryam Rajavi and her husband, Massoud, were ready to turn Auvers into their terrorist headquarters..’The attempts at self-immolation to protest against the arrest of Madame Radjavi are proof of a new fanaticism..

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Terror Most Imperial

Lord Colbert does not do his title justice; to paraphrase Samuel Butler, a degenerate nobleman is like a turnip. There is nothing good of him but that which is under ground. Else how can he explain throwing in his lot with terrorists who are in the employ of Israel?”Israel is said to have had a relationship with the M.E.K at least since the late nineties, and to have supplied a satellite signal for N.C.RI. broadcasts from Paris into Iran”

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MKO threatens Iraqi newsmen with death

These newsmen had published documents on the MKO having a hand in suppressing the Intifada of Iraqi Shiites. Albayyenah also adds: As a result of these open threats, the Iraqi Newsmen’s Union will condemn the MKO’s recent measure through issuing a formal statement. The MKO terrorist cult has also already threatened Ali Dabbagh, an Iraqi government spokesman who is also responsible for Iraq’s Research Center

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Bush,Iran and Bomb

Allying with a group that has been designated as a foreign terror organization by the State Department since 1997. In fact the position taken by the group and its ideology are perfectly opposite to those of the United Stated as well as the Islamic Republics ideas, but its leaders impudent manipulators, animated by a logic of existence ,are making alliance with the worst enemies of the Islamic Regime to prolong their existence. Michael Rubin qualifies the MEK

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Member of Parliament for Hire?

According to credible sources, the approximate number of this terrorist cult was estimated at no more than 10,000 members, with followers fast dwindling, no doubt due to its outrageous cult-like militant ideology. Given that the MEK took up arms against fellow Iranians and fought alongside Saddam Hussein’s forces, Iranians see them as traitors and murderers, naught more. While Tony Blair plagiarized papers to enable George W. Bush to invade Iraq in search of Saddam’s non-existent WMD and the ‘war on terror’

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The Threat of Terrorism

the international consensus is stressing that the terrorizing and violent methods are not inherently capable of achieving such goals as democracy and justice in societies. Terrorist groups, as is widely accepted by all, are themselves a product of unjust relations and interactions. During some periods of history violent acts may have been the inevitable solution for resolving the ruling political parties’ stalemates, and in a broader scale in the international affairs.

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