Paid advocacy for MKO

The Week on the Hill; Lobbying & Law

“Never has the old adage ‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend’ been more true than in the case of the MEK,”he wrote in The Hill in July. And in The Washington Times in December, Armey wrote,”With a stroke of the pen, the secretary of State could, and should, remove the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq and the National Council of Resistance of Iran from the list of foreign terrorist organizations.”

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Why are MKO terrorists supported by Neocons and Israelis?

Although the United States military command in Iraq recently announced that nine Iranians arrested in Iraq by U.S. forces will soon be released, neocons in the Bush administration are delaying the release. The arrested Iranians, including five diplomats seized at an Iranian diplomatic office in the Iraqi Kurdistan capital of Erbil

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Saudi-Israel-US Triangle Supports MKO terrorists

the sources added:”These groups have certainly received the missiles but it’s not clear whether CIA has been directly involved or its Israeli mercenaries in Mossad have helped the rebels.””Israel has around 400 ground-to-air Singer missiles and it might have provided Pezhak and other Iranian opposition groups- acting against the Iranian army …

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America, Saudis and Terrorism

…it has killed far more Iraqis than al-Qaeda in Iraq and killed far more people worldwide than Bin Laden’s al-Qaeda. It kidnaps children, sexually abuses, tortures and murderers it’s victims, carries out suicide attacks (mainly on Iraqi Shia population) and was a key part of Saddam oppressive regime…

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