The MEK and Acts of Treason

Who is Mehdi Abrishamchi?

the increasing rate of defection of the group made Maryam Rajavi to seek a solution to prevent more members from leaving the group. Make a proper decision to stop more departure from the group. Rajavi sent two top level to mend this problem. Fixers –Mehdi Abrishamchi and Zohreh Merikhi – to intervene to stop the rapid dissolution of the MKO.

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US Media and Iran’s MEK Terrorists Who Cried Wolf

The fact that the group [MKO/MEK/PMOI] was caught intentionally using a fake photograph against Iran in 2015, in addition to all of its terrorism and war crimes, should discredit its recent statements about Iran in the US media. However, despite their previous lies and horrendous record, certain US media outfits remain so biased and hostile to Iran, that they still repeat their claims. While no evidence exists that Iran has …

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Five reasons Iranians hate Saudi rulers

About a month ago, Saudi Arabia hosted Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) leader Maryam Rajavi and supported the militia group’s gathering in France. This group initially did find its place on some Western state’s terror list. The MKO terrorist organization has a long record of assassinations taking lives of around 12000 high ranking Iranian officials and civilians. One of the most terrible of such terrorist attacks by the MKO was …

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Trusting the cult of Rajavi to fight inequalities is a huge gaffe

Professor Sahimi accurately conclude that “the efforts to break Iran up will ultimately fail, as Iran has existed for thousands of years”. [7]Separatists and their allies particularly the Cult of Rajavi aka MKO/MEK/PMOI should know that Iranian nationality is one single identity that all ethnic minorities of Iran are living under it and brightened Iranians are those who seek a peaceful world together

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Saudis, MKO marring UN’s Iran human rights report to EU

“Saudi Arabia and the Mojahedin Khalq Organization (which Iran has designated as a terrorist group) have prepared material on Iran in tens of pages and under 400 articles so as to present their reports to the European Parliament,” said Rezaee, calling on President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to take steps. Relationships between Iran and Saudi Arabia have been strained for the past years …

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