True Facts

IHRC concern as US redefines terrorism to support banned group

IHRC is deeply concerned at the latest inconsistent application of the definition of terrorism used by the US and its allies. A ceasefire was called last week between US forces in Iraq and the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organisation (MKO), an anti-Iranian group responsible for attacks including bombings around the world, which have resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians.

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No Exit – HRW’s Report

The former MKO members reported abuses ranging from detention and persecution of ordinary members wishing to leave the organization, to lengthy solitary confinements, severe beatings, and torture of dissident members….The witnesses reported two cases of deaths under interrogation.

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TRC Terrorist Group Profile-MEK

This group was formed in the 1960s by the college-educated children of wealthy Iranian merchants. Their purpose in organizing was to counter what they perceived as excessive Western influence in the Shah`s regime and to bring the nation more in line with their philosophical blend of Marxism and Islam

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