Women Rights in the Mujahedin Khalq

Documentary on Somayeh Mohammadi Wins Intl. Award

The film focuses on an Iranian family’s attempt to rescue their daughter from an MEK camp in Iraq. Almost a decade ago, Somayeh Mohammady left Toronto to go to Iraq to learn about her family history. Instead, she was forced to stay at Camp Ashraf, a terrorist camp. She remains there, brainwashed.

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I escaped a terrorist cult

growning up in Leeds in the 1970s, life was ordinary and uneventful, but I wannted to change the world for the better. At university, I started going to meetings of a group called the People’s Mujaheddin, who were fighting to overthrow the Ayatollah in Iran….

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Women Victimized in the Cult of Mojahedin

Seemingly an advocate of the cult of Mojahedin, Mr. Zucker seems to have been kept in dark about what happens to women inside the cult and how they have been deprived of their rights as well as being severely abused. A partial look at the cult’s present aired programs on the condition of women residing in Camp Ashraf well indicates that military uniforms, discipline and forced harsh tasks are routine female managed task inside the camp.

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Women Lured by Mojahedin-e Khalq, the Religious Cult

the Mojahedin cult’s leaders Massoud and Maryam Rajavi are deceptive, exploitive masters of mind control who can weave pernicious spells capable of holding followers in thrall for decades, especially the women…Some former women members describe being forced into marrying men that they did not know. Then, in 1990 the leader of the MEK cult ordered all the members to divorce. This meant that all the married couples in the MEK must divorce without any question or protest.

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Commemoration of 8th of March, The International Women’s Day

The ladies provided many examples and facts about the misdeeds occurring inside the organisation. For instance Ms Sadri explained how she was suggested to give her one year old child a bottle of milk containing cyanide and how she was made to slap her husband into his face. Ms Qorsi declared that she was threatened that she would be sent to Abu-Ghuraib Prison if she would not submit to the demands of the organisation

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Al-Arabia’s Detailed Report on MKO Cult

The program was hosted by Ahmed Abdulla, a powerful presenter of Al-Arabia. Contacting Ali Safavi, Alireza Jafarzadeh (MKO members) as well as Massoud Khodabandeh and Anne Singleton (former members of the group) and also Professor Gary Sick, Raymond Tanter and Dokhi Fasihian via telephone, the program discussed the status of the MKO, criticism about this terrorist group, its popular base and also its involvement in massacring Kurds in Iraq.

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Help for a safe Return of Somayeh From Iraq to Canada

Ms. Somayeh Mohammadi, an Iranian-Canadian student was taken from Canada on a false pretension of, a month long, educational trip to Iraq in 1998 and was kept there since. The devastated Mohammadi family has been trying since to return their beloved child back to Canada. Their efforts included but not limited to over five trips to the dangerous and war torn Iraq.

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Treacherous Plan Exposed, MKO Moans

On one hand, the Pentagon denied the issue as whole and even admitted the group has mistreated its own members and on the other hand, cult’s spokespersons in Europe tried to cover the issue as if there has been nothing between the group and the Pentagon.Earlier, Rajavi and his followers stupidly claimed of being independent from Saddam Hussein but when the tapes of their relationships were broadcast they started to deny the facts.

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The new Campaign to save Ashraf residents

We are Family and Friends of Somayeh Mohammadi who are deeply concerned about her safety as she has been forcefully kept by Mojahedin-e Khalagh (MEK), Iranian guerrilla fighters in Iraq, for the past ten years. Somayeh is one of the many Canadian and American youth who were recruited to monthly camps when they were teenagers, only to be kept like hostages ..

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The council and the women commission

From 1370, after the fall of the families and forced divorce, the house and the office of men and women were separated completely. The women were settled in desolate places or in castles with tall walls.
The Mujahedeen represented a plan that no man and woman allow to sit in front seat of an automobile, even the old one.

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