Help for a safe Return of Somayeh From Iraq to Canada


The Honourable Monte Solberg, P.C., M.P.

Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Ottawa, Ontario

K1A 1L1

Dear Mr. Solberg

We, the undersigned, call on you to conduct a thorough, investigation into the circumstances that led into the abduction of a minor at the time, Somayeh Mohammadi, by the MEK (Mojahedin e Khalgh) organization. We are also at the opinion that she should be joining her family immediately with no more delay caused by the officials. We, strongly believe that it is against our Canadian values to let the organization still be active in our country and lobby our politicians while the pleas of the Mohammadi family is being ignored by the same authorities.

Ms. Somayeh Mohammadi, an Iranian-Canadian student was taken from Canada on a false pretension of, a month long, educational trip to Iraq in 1998 and was kept there since. The devastated Mohammadi family has been trying since to return their beloved child back to Canada. Their efforts included but not limited to over five trips to the dangerous and war torn Iraq. In doing so, they have not spared any resource or efforts to the level that the family is currently unable to support itself by any means.

Considering the limited resources of a working class family, with three more children, which has already suffered beyond imagination vs. the obstacles they face in order to reunite with their daughter and sister we urge the Canadian government to help this family and facilitate this reunion.

In the spirit of the holiday season, while all Canadian families are trying their best to express their love for each other, we urge the government to deal with this issue with kindness and generosity in mind.

We wish to see the Mohammady family celebrate this holiday as a whole for the first time in the past 8 years.


CC: Hon. Peter Mackay


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