
115 Liberty residents fly to Albania

The government of Albania that had received 210 MKO aka MEK/PMOI members last year, accepted to receive another 210 individuals under the request of the US government.Albania had previously provided residential facilities to receive them but the MKO leaders impeded the relocation process under various pretexts…

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MEK to re-impose brainwashing system in Albania

Reports from Albania reveal that the MEK are attempting to re-impose its brainwashing system. There are three kinds of people in Tirana. First the MEK and their loyalists. Men and women are separated with the men occupying a 12 storey building called Italia House. The women have been moved a kilometre distant.

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A Report from Tirana

According to reports, the disastrous situation of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) in Albania has exasperated Maryam Rajavi. She has dispatched several high-ranking members of the group to Tirana to hold meetings to chastise Javad Khorasan who is the responsible to protect the organizational relations of the MKO ….

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Latest reports from Albania

the Albanian government has told the ex members that, “Although people from the MEK are free to talk to you, and you have to talk to them because they are taking care of you, your families from Iran are not allowed to come to visit you”. Many organisations and other ex members in the west have written to Albania and the UN to ask “is the UNHCR working for Esmaili Mortezai, the MEK and Mossad, or is it ….

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