Former members of the MEK

MKO former members

MKO begins Camp Ashraf departure

A number of Mujahedin Khalq Organization members reportedly leave Camp Ashraf after Baghdad started a countdown to remove the group from Iraq. Some dissident MKO members aim to return to Iran as the terrorist organization has denied its members the right to choose an alternative place to stay. The dissidents have held a press conference in Baghdad where they complained of their”tough situation”in Camp Ashraf

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Rajavi:You shouldn’t get arrested alive

(Memoirs of Ms. Batul Soltani – Part 10)To convince the members to attempt self-immolations or suicide bombing operations, Masud visited them and had a party with them and clearly told them”You shouldn’t get arrested alive, in case of being arrested you have to kill yourselves immediately.”They falsified all religious Hadith (quotations of the Prophet), .Quran was interpreted in their own way to legitimize the suicide bombing attacks..Maryam was considered superior to a normal leader. Rajavi’s ambitions are to make Maryam a leader like Masud

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Saints of MKO Leadership Council

(Memoirs of Ms. Batul Soltani – Part 9 )They don’t want to expose the truth that one of the saints of their leadership Council has escaped from the cult.If they say anything against me in their website, the twenty to twenty-five members of the Leadership Council who run the sites will realize the fact and that’s what the organization doesn’t want. should be so exhausted that one could not think of anything at all. ..You cannot imagine the dimensions of the organizational control inside MKO

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Imposing maximum pressure for laboring, to leave no time for thinking

Another trick that is used]by MKO] to heighten the organizational control over members – and since the fall of Saddam has turned into a rule in MKO/PMOI – is that the family visits should also be taken place in the presence of a third person. In other words a companion should escort you in your visit with your family, allegedly to help you be more comfortable! Generally the organization doesn’t like the families to come to Camp Ashraf

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Manipulating Cult Techniques to exploit the insiders

(Memoirs of Mrs.Batul Soltani- Part 7)there is a practice within MKO’s internal relations called “nil-nil” (a cult type jargon) wherein everyday the members are supposed to allegedly demoralize themselves because they say that anyone who demoralizes himself and releases his energies will reach higher degrees…There is another internal phenomenon called “Current Operation” (another jargon). This has been practiced in MKO/PMOI cult since 1994…Masud Rajavi made too much noise calling the current operation as “Spiritual Jihad” as and even “higher than martyrdom”. Therefore, the members must confess all the sins they commit and they should expect any reaction from their colleagues

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MKO’s silence on the separation of a leadership cadre

Another factor highlighting the significance of her[Mrs.Batool Soltani] statements is that they may work to persuade other MKO/PMOI members to break their silence on the critical issue of the ideological revolution of Mojahedin. Before, some factors like resorting deliberately to passivity and refraining to pose challenges to the organization in order not to be put under the attack of terror of personality were stated on the reasons why MKO ex-members have kept quiet on the issue of the ideological revolution while the fact is that merely grabbing at biography writing is of no effect and fails to present a challenge for Mojahedin; on the contrary, it is welcome by Mojahedin who aim to cover the facts on the real nature of their cultist relations the uncovering of which is a terrible nightmare coming true for them.

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(Memoirs of Batul Soltani – Part 6)if you have not been a member of the MKO cult, it is too hard to understand what the “systematic control” is. I will mention some aspects of it which I myself used to control members with…For the MKO leaders, it is not important what the defector wants to do. The only crucial thing is whether she will or won’t talk against the MKO. Only her silence matters. They want the defectors to leave, keep quiet and die…

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Mujahedin’s Machiavellian approach towards the US administration

(Memoirs of Batul Soltani – Part 5) When the American forces came, we were shocked to notice that the Organization[PMOI/MKO] called all the members and sent the women to the gates of the camp to welcome the American soldiers who were surprised wondering what was the MKO up to? Suddenly the organization changed its strategy and sat at the negotiation table with the US officers. The US general who had come to seize Ashraf, ordered to cease-fire to the American tanks and helicopters, he called his high officials and then the warfare scene turned into the negotiation table. The MKO used its tricks to function the hegemony on the members.

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