Paulo Casaca

Court not recognized MEP’s right whose links to MKO exposed by Expresso

… The decision of the court of Ponta Delgada recognizes that Casaca felt enxovalhado, killed and humiliated by the news. The Express newspaper said in its title:”Mr. Portuguese friend of terrorists”,”Casaca hired as his assistant a member of the political wing of the Mojahedin. According to the Judge the title is purely metaphorical, appealing, with some sensational nature, but it is not defamatory or libelous …

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Re: Letter from Mr. Paulo Casaca, MEP, to the Canadian Government

As a Canadian citizen, I find Mr. Casaca’s intervention with Canada’s internal affairs presumptuous. His expression of opinion on a subject that he has no prior knowledge of is quite irresponsible. Though I am quite confident that our Centre and its directors are well recognized not only by the community we are directly serving, Iranian-Canadians, but also by the community at large as well as the relevant government offices I wish to give a brief history of our organization and its establishment.

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Paulo Casaca visits Camp Ashraf and the MEK of Iran

This week Mr. Paulo Casaca (Member of the European Parliament for Portugal’s Socialist Party) and André Brie (member of Confederal Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left of Germany) both members of the European Parliament paid a 4 day “good will” tour of Camp Ashraf in the outskirts of Baghdad.

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