Raymond Tanter

MKO; A Tool for Warmongers in Elections

It seems that Tanter thinks the MKO has arrived in Iraq just yesterday that it would gain public favor (in the case of being allowed to operate)! Or, he may think that the MKO has been doing nothing in Iraq for the past 25 years!More interesting is that Tanter is going to take advantage of the MKO in his election campaigns in the favor of Neoconservatives and warmongers.

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Tanter, A Mediator Between MKO and Israel

Though this amounts to making a pact with the devil, he believes that the only way to prevent Iran from attaining nuclear weapons is to replace the religious regime in Iran with a democratic one, and that only MEK can do that. But there are several problems with MEK. The U.S. declared it a terror organization, and most Iranians consider MEK members traitors, because they supported Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s.

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Iranian leaders to be savaged by dead sheep

The MeK ‘threat’ is an ageing – average age around 50 years – and disillusioned group of slaves numbering less than 3,000, who have been camped out in the Iraqi desert for over two decades and who are now waiting to be rescued from the cult. Nobody knows this better than the Islamic Republic of Iran itself.

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Tanter’s Golden Dreams

In order to understand its importance and influence, one should consider how far they are from the latest analysis of US government about the terrorist group they support. A terrorist group on US terror list, offices of which were shut down by the government of George Bush.

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