The End of MKO’s Historical Opportunities

the whole views and ideas of different parties in the US can be summarized in a line, one end of which proposes negotiations and relations with Iran and the other suggests wide military action. However, what concerns the MKO in this issue is that they have no place in proposals (on the table of US administration) and that they are not worthy to be invested on.

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White House Denies Backing of Terror Group in Iran

Raw Story is reporting that the White House is denying the use of terrorist organizations to undermine the Iranian regime.
Earlier today at the White House Press Briefing, Scott McClellan, the outgoing press secretary, denied reports that the U.S. is employing terrorist groups for special operations in Iran, RAW STORY has found.

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US should dump the terrorist MKO

Today many groups and personalities are calling for direct talks between US and Iran. Many more are voicing their opinions against military attacks on Iran. However, there are also many ill-wishers around doing their best and utmost to sabotage the US-Iran engagement.

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Funding regime change

Washington’s latest policy of putting more pressure on Iran through securing additional funding for”democracy-promoting”activities inside Iran has been greeted with official and popular rejection, even open derision, in Tehran.

“I think the Americans have no idea of what they’re talking about,”said Mamak Nourbaksh, a teacher of English literature.

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America’s Most Dangerous Professors

If the Iranian Communist MEK (Rajavi Cult) terrorists are monsters of the Left, then all professors who support them should be profiled, such as Professor Raymond Tanter and Professor Rabbi Daniel Zucker, founder of Americans for Democracy in the Middle East: Unfortunately, David Horowitz’s Front Page Magazine has been publishing articles by supporters of the Iranian Communist MEK (Rajavi Cult) terrorists, including Professor Rabbi Daniel Zucker’s “Iran’s Interference in Iraq” on December 20, 2005.

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We would never cooperate with MEK

Does U.S. policy, based on the notion that an enemy of our enemy is our friend, consider changing its policy towards the PKK or —
MR. McCLELLAN: Our policies haven’t changed on those organizations. They remain the same. And you’re bringing up organizations that we view as terrorist organizations.

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We do have a problem with MEK – Secretary Rice

Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice had a Q & A meeting with students of George Town University, where Raymond Tanter a supporter of MEK in IPC, and the professor of George Town University asked her to use MEK against Iran and lift the terrorist designation of the group. Secretary Rice answered:” we do have a problem with MEK. It is a terrorist organization. It was engaged in killings which actually ended up on the death of even Americans. That situation has not changed.”

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Guns and bombs are not speech

The United States can designate foreign organizations as terrorist groups and bar Americans from financially backing them….The ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals was made in a case involving people who raised money in California for Mujahedin-e Khalq, or MEK, an Iranian opposition group designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government since 1997.

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