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Baroness Nicholson:Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (MKO) still on terrorist list in UK

Nicholson said the findings were that the British government’s actions on putting the MKO on the list had not been carried out properly.”But the British government does not agree. The British government is appealing and is against that judgment,”she added. Concerning the MKO presence and operations in Iraq, Nicholson said the sovereign nation of Iraq has to decide about this terrorist group’s presence in the country

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The EU’s double standard approach to the issue of MKO

He said the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) exposed the US lies about Iran. Haddad Adel also criticized the EU’s double standard approach to the issue of terrorism. The Iranian official said while the EU claims that it is fighting terrorism, the bloc is citing the misinformation provided by terrorist groups like the Mojahedin Khalq Organization

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Iraqi MP: MKO must be expelled

Al-Ameri commented on the presence of other armed groups such as the PKK in the country and said Iraq is against the presence of any foreign armed group that poses a threat to neighboring countries. He added that Baghdad would try to expel ..

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US main opponent to MKO extradition

Referring to the Iraqi government’s decision to deport the Mujahedin Khalq terrorist group from Iraq in 2004 and the disagreement of the US, Hakim stated,”Deportation of MKO members from Iraq has always been one of the subjects of discussion among Iraqi and US officials.”

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Momentum built for Cheney impeachment

While the American media has decided to keep Kucinich’s announcement on a low profile 54 percent of the Americans are in favor of impeaching Cheney according to an American Research Group survey conducted last July. Analysts believe the number of pro-impeachment Americans is on the rise due to Cheney’s hawkish policies …

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US, Israel hinder friendly ties

In a meeting with the Dutch ambassador to Tehran, Radnik van Vollenhoven, Hashemi Shahroudi noted that the more European countries come to realize the main intention of the US and Israel, the more they will help to establishment of peace and tranquility in the world.

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Council of Europe consults terrorists

“Iran does not understand why the Council of Europe consults with a group that has been labeled ‘terrorist’ by France, the US and even the Council itself and is on the Interpol’s wanted list,”Hadad-Adel said.”Regrettably, however, the media today is controlled by people who don’t want Iran’s voice to be heard.”

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