MEK Testimonies: How to brainwash young Albanians

“MEK is a mafia sect, you should look out for your children”

This Tuesday, the issue of the Mojahedin camp in Albania was discussed by the “Stop” show on TV Klan. Built a few years ago, this camp holds thousands of MEK members. Albania was the country that gave 26-hectares of land in Manza to the organization and they are building their own “city” there. But nobody who is not already in that camp is allowed to enter.

The on-going film crews face violence and abuse, despite outside the camp being public land. There is an extraordinary control system there. Each of these members when they came to the camp had thousands of dollars in cash with them.

Former MEK members have told Stop Camera that day by day the MEK harass and are trying to manipulate and train Albanian children to be part of their cultic organisation.

Farid Shakarami has been out of the camp for over a year and a half due to the dire conditions. But the MEK opposition, which previously opposed a savage regime, no longer allows him to meet his family.

Farid Shakarami: Good evening to all TV Klan viewers! My name is Farid Shakarami! I grew up in a family that was against the current Iranian regime. In 2009, my family and I joined the MEK organization at Camp Ashraf in Iraq. I was 16 and in a separate section of the camp with other young people, where the “brainwashing” system worked. I was inside the organization in Iraq for 8 years until we arrived in Albania in 2016. I left MEK, but my mum, sister and brother are inside the camp. Since my separation, I have wanted to see my family, but they do not allow me to see them and I am anxious about them every day as they are alone. I am not even allowed to talk to them on the phone. Here we are not in Iraq, we are in Europe, in a free and democratic country. I ask you to help me, to meet my mother. It’s true that I belong to another country, but I am a human being, and everyone needs to see their family without restriction. For over a year and a half, I can’t even hear their voices. This is my last hope and I ask you for help.

Rahman Mohammadian, meanwhile, points out the problems with MEK and the Albanian youth. He says that through the MEK members, young Albanians are being drawn into dangerous ways.

According to him, MEK is a mafia cult and chose Albania because since the country is not part of the EU, members cannot escape, and they can use them for their own purposes.

He described how Albanian children are sent to Qur’an lessons and the money they are given helps MEK. Mohammadian admitted that each member was given thousands of dollars in cash when they arrived. But he said the money is dirty and taken from Saddam Hussein.

According to him, MEK is a mafia cult and chose Albania because since the country is not part of the EU, members cannot escape, and they can use them for their own purposes.

Rahman Mohammadian: Good evening to all TV Klan viewers! My name is Rahman Mohammadian. I was with the MEK organisation for 28 years before I escaped them three years ago. One of the motives I had to join the Mojahedin was that their propaganda convinced me their ideals were for freedom and democracy. I wanted my country to have a more liberal future. But as soon as I joined, I realized that everything I had been told was the opposite. In 2015, I arrived in Albania with the MEK organization and after only 11 days escaped.

The choice of Albania by MEK was strategic, as MEK being a criminal organization, wanted a country that was not part of the European Union so that its members could not run away, and they could use them for their own purposes.

I want to explain to the Albanian people how MEK treats those who have left them. The organization does everything to prevent us from becoming 100% refugees – corrupting the Ramsa charity, the UN refugee office, and throwing us under the wheel.

I want to warn the Albanian people that MEK is a mafia cult, so you should be careful with your children! We know that your children are being used to participate in their events and demonstrations.

They are sent to Qur’an classes and the money they are given is, in fact, used to help draw your children in closer. The more time passes, the more impossible it will be to pull them out. They want to increase their power in Albania by exploiting young Albanians. This is just a mafia.

In Skanderbeg Square, some time ago, we saw with our own eyes, an Albanian family with the MEK flag in their hands, while other members filmed them in order to use the footage as propaganda to convince Albanians to take part. Don’t let this organization grow.

They have a lot of dirty money taken from Saddam Hussein, which was brought to Albania illegally. Suppose each of the 3,500 members who came to Albania was given $30,000 in cash to bring. The most trusted were given $200,000. I would also like to say that the Ramsa area dedicated to Iranian refugees has closed and we have been completely abandoned. We need help, at least to see our families here in Albania. We want to be granted work permits because we no longer have financial assistance from Ramsa. It is closed and we are completely abandoned. We need help, at least to see our families here in Albania.

In a Sky News video several years ago, Baroness Nicholson spoke of Saddam’s money and links to international terrorist organizations. One of the videos filmed by Iraqi intelligence services shows Iraqi officials giving money to MEK officials. It identifies some persons, who take large sums of money from several boxes.

“Saddam was trusting fewer and fewer people. He used MEK soldiers to transport and conceal things, including carefully transporting chemical and biological weapons. I have a lot of information from former MEK members that I have met in the region in Iraq, Iran and other places about where they have stored biological weapons”, said Baroness Nicholson.

Show host Saimir Kodra said that there are some apartments in Tirana where MEK members go to in our country and receive money which is sealed with Arabic seals. He asked the question whether this has been declared or not.

“Behind this, after all, is part of the Albanian state that has made an agreement with MEK. Of course, it has its own position, but the approach they have with the youth of the area to recruit and indoctrinate them with their ideology is not based at all on pluralism and democracy, as they claim, because the camp’s own approach is a harsh dictatorship. People who have gone out and about looking for work, the Albanian state does not recognize their right to work, no longer accepts them. It’s a huge horror. I would compare it to Mauthausen [Concentration Camp] in that whoever goes in there can’t get out anymore”, Kodra said.

TV Klan,  Translated by Iran Interlink

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