Formation of the association for the support of Iranians living in Albania (ASILA)

Formation of the association for the support of Iranians living in Albania (ASILA)

Defectors of the Mujahedin Khalq (MEK) who reside in Albania established an association to support the MEK defectors in Albania.
Hassan Heirani, former member of the MEK announced the establishment of the association which is supposed to help Iranians who leave the MEK’s camp in Durres, near Tirana. “The Association was registered as a legal institute to support those who defect the Cult of Rajavi,” Hassan Heirani said.

This first meeting of the association was held on Wednesday, November 24th. A number of former members of the group attended the first meeting of ASILA. “As the issuing of ID cards to all non-Albanians has started in Albania, the association supports defectors of the cult in order to enjoy their civil rights, find a job, deal with their legal issues and have a family.” Heirani said. “We will try our best to aid defectors of the MEK to experience a new life, without fears, outside the bars of the terrorist cult of Rajavi.”

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The issuing of ID cards for all non-Albanians in Albania was done under the pressure of the European Union is a good opportunity for those who are still taken as hostages by the MEK leaders in Camp Ashraf 3.

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