Iranians of Albania have to choose between the Karrec concentration camp and Rajavi’s terror camp

Olsi Jazexhi interviews Hassan Heyrani

In the following interview Dr. Olsi Jazexhi interviews Hassan Heyrani, an Iranian defector of MEK who has been put under administrative detention from Edi Rama’s government since November 8, 2022.

Hassan Heyrani, Mehdi Soleymani, Reza Shekari, Ehsan Bidi, Hassan Shahbazi and Ali Hajari have been placed in administrative detention by Albania police with no excuse.

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Hassan Heyrani is one of dozens of Iranian defectors who have abandoned the Mojahedin terrorist cult during the past years. The Albanian government which hosted the Mojahedin-e Khalq in 2016, is persecuting the defectors of MEK by locking them in the Karrec detention center. Iranian defectors are not allowed to have access to courts, to be sent in front of a judge and defend themselves in the court of law. The UNHCR which brought them to Albania, is ignoring the fate of this stateless people as well. Albanian counterterrorism officials who take orders from Maryam Rajavi and the Mojahedin cult, treat the defectors of MEK as criminals.

Hassan Heyrani explains the horrible conditions in the camp of Karrec, where they do not have enough food, no heating, are not allowed to meet their family members and are not allowed even to take medicines to cure themselves. While Maryam Rajavi and the Mojaheden command would have wished to have Hassan and his friends killed for abandoning the jihad, the government of Edi Rama is killing the Iranian defectors slowly: through illegal administrative detentions, starvation and keeping them in cold.

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