The Book Launch of Khalil Ansarian, MEK defector

The Book Launch of Khalil Ansarian

Khalil Ansarian, former member of the Mujahedin-e Khalq launched his autobiography. The newly published “Forgotten Freedom” was published by the Association for the Support of Iranians Living in Albania (ASILA) of which Ansarian is a member now.
The ceremony to launch Ansarian’s book was held in the office of ASILA where members of the association gathered together to have the new book on the life of an MEK defector. A few lines from the book were read to the audience. The writer signed the books to give out to the guests.

The Book Launch of Khalil Ansarian

“Forgotten Freedom”, published in Albanian, is the account of 28 years of membership in the MEK, Rajavi’s cult of personality. Khalil Ansarian, from Khoozestan, Iran was a soldier in Iran-Iraq war when he was imprisoned by the Iraqi forces in 1980.

The ceremony to launch Ansarian’s book was held in the office of ASILA

He was imprisoned in Iraqi POW camps for nine years and then in 1989, the MEK recruiters deceived him to join the Cult of Rajavi in Camp Ashraf, Iraq. This time, his imprisonment in the MEK was not only physical but mental and psychological. He endured the suppressive atmosphere of the destructive cult of MEK for 28 years and in 2020 he announced his official defection from the cult.
Together with some Albanian citizens, Ansarian and a group of other defectors of the MEK established ASILA last year. ASILA is a humanitarian NGO that has published to autobiography of former members of the MEK. The first one was written by Rahman Mohammadian.

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