Erisa Rahimi’s letter to the Albanian Border and Migration Police

Erisa Rahimi, member of the Association for the Support of Iranians Living in Albania (ASILA) wrote a letter to the director of the Albanian Border and Migration Police to demand a clear response on the case of the detained members of ASILA.

6 members of ASILA association who are former members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) have been detained in Karreç Detention Center in the past two months. Erisa Rahimi the wife of Sarfaraz Rahimi and an Albanian member of ASILA, has penned the letter together with 4 other Albanian women who are the wives of the detained members.

Erisa Rahimi

Erisa addresses Sajmir Boshnjaku, the director of the Albanian Border and Migration Police asking him to answer why the husbands of these women are kept in Karreç Detention Center. “If they have committed a crime, why are they in migrants’ detention center and not in prison?” she asks the director. “If they are unlawful migrants, why aren’t the MEK members considered this way?”

Erisa Rahimi notifies that the detained citizens are 6 individuals of those 3000 MEK members who were relocated in Albania under the agreement between the Albanian government, the UNHCR, the United States and the MEK leaders. “These people left the MEK,” she states. “What especial crime are they accused of? In a word, you are violating human rights. Regardless of their nationality and their citizenship, they are humans.”
Pointing to the families that the detained ASILA members have formed in Albania, Erisa Rahimi and other signatories of the letter demand Sajmir Boshnjaku to clarify the reason for detention of Hassan Heirani, Ali Hajari, Gholam Shekari, Mehdi Soleimani, Hassan Shahbaz and Ehsan Bidi considering that they have not committed any crime in the Albanian territory.

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