The Albanian public opinion should be informed about Rajavi’s modern slavery

Masoomeh Rezaei has been deprived of seeing her son for many years.

Masoomeh Rezaei has been deprived of seeing her son for many years. His son, Saeed Farajullah Hosseini, was captured by Iraqi forces during the Iran-Iraq war and was transferred from the camp of Iranian prisoners of war in Iraq to the headquarters of Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), under a collusion between Massoud Rajavi and Saddam Hussein.

Saeed Hosseini’s family was unaware of his condition for two years until they were informed that Saeed was in the MEK camp. Since then, the Hosseini family has not been allowed to meet their child.

However, Masoomeh did not stop her efforts to find a way to meet her son. She is a member of Nejat Society and she has taken many actions to achieve her goal. She regularly publishes text and video messages on the Internet in the hope that Saeed will see her by chance. But, members of the MEK have no free access to the internet and other media. They are isolated from the outside world, Saeed togetherwith about two thousand people!

“I miss you,” Masoomeh Rezaei addresses Saeed in a video message, “I wish I could see you soon before I die like your father who died with out being able to see you.”

Families at Liberty camp Gate – Iraq

Masoomeh is only one of hundreds of mothers who have been languishing for a free visit with their beloved children taken as hostages by the Rajavis.

No one saw their some 40-year-old sufferings. No one heard their cries. In solitude, they knocked closed doors and suffered slander and unkindness, but they did not get discouraged. They sat waiting for their loved ones and made a promise to each other to work hard to expose the hypocrisy of the Cult of Rajavi.

Families whose loved ones have been imprisoned in the camps of the MEK, have been unknown and forgotten victims of the MEK in Iran, Iraq and now Albania. But they have come out to make the crimes and inhuman nature of the MEK known to the world. Nejat Society Albania’s main mission is to aid these families be recognized by the Albanian community, human rights activists and government authorities.

Today, the Conference which is held by Nejat Society in Tirana is a step forward to enlighten the Albanian community about the human rights violations that are taking place inside the MEK day and night. The Albanian public opinion should be informed that behind the walls of Ashraf 3, a few kilometers away from Tirana, Maryam Rajavi rules a modern slavery.

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