The Albanian Kristal TV report on the Nejat Society Albania conference in Tirana

the Nejat Society conference in Tirana

The Albanian website Kristal TV published a report on the big gathering of the Nejat Society Albania in Tirana.

The report reads:

The great conference of Nejat Albania – Confessions and human calls
A conference on human rights was held last Sunday morning. The event took place in Tirana with many participants where they were present and closely followed the entire event.

The association Nejat Albania, under the slogan “We are all equals” gave strong sensitizing messages giving a special importance to the Iranian community in Albania who have chosen to live freely in Albania and forming their families here and a life from the beginning.

the Nejat Society conference in Tirana

Ebrahim khodabandeh, as a supporter of the Nejat Society in Iran, gave a big thank to the Albanian institutions that have supported the Iranain community in Albania not only by integrating them as best as possible in various professional fields, but also by giving them an opportunity to create a life they had missed inside the MEK camp.

the Nejat Society conference in Tirana

Ebrahim Khodabandeh, the head of the Nejat Society, said that the MEK organization keep its members locked up and deprive them of basic human rights. The MEK claimed that it would form an opposition that promises democracy and freedom, but they took away from the members the right to communicate with their families, and they took away the right to live freely.

The association Nejat Albania operates in the framework of the integration of this foreign community in Albania and has made it possible for them to protect the status of human rights by enabling re-contact with their families in Iran and creating a stabilized life in Albania.

Hamid Atabay

Hamid Atabay former member of the MEK and now a member of Nejat testified his own dark personal experiences that accompanied him in his years of staying within the MEK camps. He described how his life has changed since the establishment of Nejat. He further shows that staying in the MEK means being a person without rights.

Part of this conference was also a mother who still has her son in the MEK camp who said that she has had no contact with her son for many years.

the Nejat Society conference in Tirana

Soraya Abdollahi said: the MEK took away our right to feel the love of our children, our children have fallen prey to a huge fraud. I am very excited when I see the support of Albanian citizens through this conference because it gives me hope to meet my son, Amir Aslan.

I also appeal to the Albanian institutions and the Prime Minister himself to make it possible for the mothers to meet their children, but also to tell them the bitter truth that camp leaders destroyed those people lives only for their own interests.

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