How the media can change the life of MEK hostages

As a destructive cult, the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) keep its members in isolation. Members of the group has no access to the media. They are not allowed to contact the outside world by any means. The only accessible media is the group’s TV channel which censures the news in accordance with the ideology of the Cult of Rajavi. Aldo Sulollari, the Albanian journalist and a member of Nejat Society Albania, has published a piece on the Albanian Kristal TV emphasizing the impact of the media to develop human relations. In case of the MEK members, the media have so far aided the reunion of many families.
In his recent article on Kristal TV, Solullari refers to two brothers who are former members of the MEK. After the younger brother, Sarfaraz, left the group, he was never allowed to visit or call his brother Bijar who was still taken as a hostage in the MEK. However, the media finally helped them reunite after years of separation. Bijar escaped the MEK’s headquarter in Albania, Ashraf 3, last July about eight years after his brother had left.
Aldo Sulollari wrote the article in Albanian under the title “An interview that changed human relations, the truth must be ‘shouted’” :

How important is the media and its investment in society?
In the Albanian society there is a group that came here with a humanitarian shelter status and that came as a necessity of a more westernized life. Albania first opened its doors to over 300 Iranians and then over 3,000 of them stay in the Manza camp, Ashraf 3.

The MEK organization came to Albania promising their members that the world is beautiful and that they would integrate into the countries that created their agreement.
Some of them chose to leave the MEK camp, surrendering to the Albanian institutions, demanding freedom, and showing their truth.

They state that in the previous organization, they could not communicate with their families, the use of mobile phones was not allowed, and the couples who were put together were not allowed to remain under the status of husband and wife, but would be treated as strangers.
MEK had told them that if they left their camp, they would be isolated by the Albanian police, and that our institutions were harsh.

However, the truth turns out differently.
Sarfaraz Rahimi, a member of the Nejat association, stated in the media that he had sought to communicate with his brother, Bijar Rahimi, who was also in the MEK camp and was not allowed to communicate together. To connect him with the media, this story was published in the national media Euronews Albania, where his interview was broadcast. Here the media played a very important role to change the life history of the two brothers for the better.

Bijar Rahimi had been following the story of his brother, who was looking for him in the media, and felt deceived when the MEK organization had told him that your brother Sarfarazi never looked for you, but simply married an Albanian girl, and did not care about you.

Rahimi brothers, who are Baluch Iranians, reunited, and started their new life, following their passions and professions. This is proof that the media plays a very important role.

It was me again, who, together with Mr. Bijar Rahimi, once again dared to tell the Albanian public what Bijar’s life was like inside that camp, and he proves that life outside, in Albania, is fantastic, and that Albanian institutions are wonderful.
Another Iranian had seen this interview and he was Ali Zamani, he chose to live free, and understood through the media, that life is beautiful.

The media chooses its own mission, to support the truth, or to make biased political propaganda, showbiz or any other sector where it can depend.
This was a true story, how incredible is that the media chose to change life for the better.

Aldo Sulollari – Journalist, Nejat Society Albania – Kristal TV – Translated by Nejat Society

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