Nejat Newsletter No.110

Nejat Newsletter No.110


– Hanif Bali in the documentary Children of Camp Ashraf
He was one of the 120 children of MEK parents who were smuggled from Camp Ashraf, Iraq to Sweden. He was then moved between eight different foster families until he turned 18. He is a Swedish politician now because he is one of those few lucky MEK children who was not returned as a child soldier to Camp Ashraf to receive military training…

Nejat Newsletter No.110

– Amir Yaghmai in the documentary, Children of Camp Ashraf
Former child soldier of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), Amir Yaghmai is one of the relief subjects of the documentary Children of Camp Ashraf. The documentary was directed by Sara Moein and will be played in two Swedish film festivals.

– Atefeh Sebdani in the documentary Children of Camp Ashraf
Atefeh Sebdani debuted last year with the gripping memoir My Hand in Mine. It is a story about growing up with no one to hold on to but yourself, of abuses thatare skillfully covered up and a society that time and again fails to see the vulnerable child. But it is also a story of a stubborn burning vitality and the courage to finally break free

– “The children of Camp Ashraf” in Tempo Festival, Sweden
The documentary “Children of Camp Ashraf”, directed by Sara Moein, tells the story of the children of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) who were separated from their parents after the First Persian Gulf War under the order of Masoud Rajavi and were sent from Iraq to European and North American countries.

– The MEK agents strangled 14-year-old Zainab with her chador
Zainab Kamai was a 14 -year-old girl who had left home for congregational prayers in the mosque. She was kidnapped and suffocated by MEK agents with her own chador

– Ali Mohammad Rahimi Alashti announced defection from the MEK
Ali Mohammad Rahimi Alashti, announced his defection from the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) on New Year’s Eve. He left the MEK’s camp Ashraf 3 in Manez and joined the office of Nejat Society in Tirana.

– MEK, Saddam’s Private Army in massacre of Iraqi Kurds
Basat Ali Meshkin Faam is one of the defectors of the MEK who witnessed the MEK’s military operation to suppress Kurdish uprisings in April 1991. The testimonies of MEK ex-members have been several times confirmed by Iraqi authorities, human rights activists and journalists

– MKO stands trial after 40 years
After 40 plus years of bombings and assassinations attacks in Iran, members of the terrorist group Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization or MKO are standing trial in absentia

– Mahin Najafi’s brother, behind the bars of MEK’s camp
Mahin Najafi, the sister of Mohammad Jaafar Najafi, a captured member of the Mujahedin-
e-Khalq (MEK), tells the story of her brother’s captivity and her encounter with the group.

– EuroNews Albania report on Nejat Society Albani
The international TV channel Euronews Albania participated in the event organized by the Nejat Society Albania on the occasion of Yalda night this year. The TV reporters filmed and interviewed the members and activists of the society

– letter of the CEO of Nejat Society to the authorities in the Albanian government
.. The ban on families entering Albania, which is said to have been at the request of the MEK, is still in force months after the violent and cultic nature of the MEK was exposed, and as far as the families are concerned, the conditions in Albania has not changed after June 20 and this cult is fully allowed to firstly violate the most basic human rights of its members and secondly to threaten the security of the Iranian nation from the territory of Albania.

– About Nejat Society

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