Home » Mujahedin Khalq Organization members' families » Nasser Mohammadi’s family’s request to the head of Tehran Criminal Court

Nasser Mohammadi’s family’s request to the head of Tehran Criminal Court

Nasser Mohammadi's family's request to the head of Tehran Criminal Court

The Mohammadi family is among the families of victims of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), one of those families whose members were murdered by the group.

During the Iran-Iraq War, Nasser Mohammadi was captured by the Mujahedin-e Khalq forces, who were fighting alongside Saddam Hussein’s army against their homeland. He was then forced by pressure and threats to participate in the group’s cross border operation against Iran, named Forough Javidan (Eternal Light). Since Nasser did not want to take up arms against his homeland, he attempted to flee to Iranian soil near the border, but in the presence of eyewitnesses, he was shot in the back by the MEK agents and was killed.

Naser Mohammadi' family in a protest gathering among other Nejat families

Naser Mohammadi’ family in a protest gathering among other Nejat families

Nasser Mohammadi’s family followed up on this important issue as soon as they learned about his murder by MEK agents. Nasser’s brother Houshang Mohammadi, while in Camp Ashraf in Iraq, directly asked the MEK leaders for an explanation and requested evidence, but as usual, they distorted the truth and identified the Iranian government as the killer of his brother. This claim was not accepted by Houshang, and the issue even escalated into a verbal altercation.

Due to the existence of eyewitnesses to Nasser’s killing by the MEK, his family has been suing the MEK for the murder of their brother since those days. The Mohanmmadis are among the plaintiff families against the leaders of the MEK in the process of their trial. They are members of Nejat Society.

On Saturday, February 1st, this family met with other members of Nejat Society’s office in Zanjan Province. Pursuing the legal process against the MEK leaders and the group itself as a legal entity, through a short video message, they asked the honored head of Branch 11 of the Criminal Court of Tehran Province to consider their family’s complaint.

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