Nejat Society’s Announcement No.4

It’s obvious that all the activities and the presence of the families at Nejat Society are aimed to the release of their children from Camp Ashraf and the efforts and interactions have terrified the destructive cult of Rajavi. The families, who wait for the freedom of their children and the removal of Camp Ashraf, accepted the risk of the threat posed by the jailers of cult.

Masud Rajavi the leader of the destructive MKO cult must know that a large number of families have registered in the offices of Nejat ngo all over the country to travel to Iraq as soon as possible to provide the facilities for the rescue of their children from terrorist cult of Rajavi.

A large number of the families’ letters have been mailed to the offices of International Committee of Red Cross and Iraqi Embassy in Tehran and the Iraqi government.

The Nejat Society and families are well aware that MKO had tied its life with Saddam’s dictatorship analytically and strategically. After the fall of Saddam Hussein and the lack of the dictator’s support for MEK, everyday you are witnessing the decline of the cult and the breakdown of the internal relations in it. The presence of a terrorist organization with the background of massacre of Iraqi Kurds in the North and Iraqi Shiites in the South and a disastrous file of cooperation with Saddam Hussein ended with the approval of the No.214 ruling by Iraqi government.

The undeniable decision of Iraqi government terrified the cult so seriously that it tries hard to lobby some uninformed or self-interested parties in the West, spending large amounts of money to gather signatures or approval against Iraqi ruling.

The declining condition of MKO actually led the parents to be concerned about their children’s life and the occurence of a human disaster against the deceived members of the cult.

Nejat Society believes in the right for the mentally and physically captured individuals of Camp Ashraf to ask the ICRC and the Refugee Affairs Commission to provide the condition to choose either a third country or Iran to live a normal life.

According to the reports the mental and physical condition of the victims in Camp of terrorist cult of Rajavi is so crucial. They need emergency help of RC in the Camp and the necessary treatments for the patient members who are in the hospitals outside the Camp.

The execution of the rulings of Iraqi government and the release of beloved ones of the cult’s prison, are the request of the majority of the residents of Camp Ashraf .

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