Home » Jaafar Babaiee nezhad » I just want my father

I just want my father

Mr. Jaafar Babaiee nezhad was a service man when he was captured by MKO group in 1986. He has an only daughter who hasn’t seen her father since she was born. She is now living with her grandfather in the village of Ali Abad. Having missed her parents, she has a lot of problems including lack of the possibility to continue her studies. She always thinks if she lived with her father, she would have a better situation or she would live in a better city to enjoy educational facilities. She says:”For God’s sake, do something to return my father … I just want my father.”

The following is a part of Maryam’s letter to her father:

In the name of God
I just want my father

How shall I speak to you? I have a lot to tell you but I have no idea how to write.
Father. What a beautiful word is “Father”. When a baby begins to speak saying “Daddy” “Daddy” … how does her father feel?!! I don’t know the answer and father; you are not here to ask you. If you were here, you would not be able to answer my question because you haven’t seen me since I was born.

You were not here in all those years that you could hug and kiss me … you could see my first steps for walking …
You were captive in Ashraf and I was captive in the hands of my fate in my old grandfather’s house where he had to do your duties, without my mother who couldn’t tolerate your absence and left me to look for her own destiny.

Perhaps, when I was a child I was happier but after I was grown up ,I realized that I have mother and father but meanwhile I don’t have them with me. A mother who left her kid ,and a father who is captive in “Ashraf Prison”.

Father, what a cult it is that made you leave your family? What a morality that opposes the most sacred love…

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