Families of Terror Victims Objections Letter to Fox New

Instrumental glance is condemned in our view

Considering the report published on January 21, 2011 in your news website (titled Intel Panel Wants Iran Dissidents off Terror List), JSA decided to reveal some facts about the terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq (MKO).

Dear Sir:
President of the Fox News Website
Iran’s Justice Supporters Association is a non-governmental organization comprising the families of 16000 victims of terrorism in Iran. We hope to help you to clarify the realities for your intelligent readers and users by writing this letter.

Considering the report published on January 21, 2011 in your news website (titled Intel Panel Wants Iran Dissidents off Terror List), JSA decided to reveal some facts about the terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq (MKO).

The evidences and documents related to the murder of 12000 Iranian citizens by this terrorist organization still exist. This terrorist organization has followed its terrorist aims in the past decades; however, during the recent years and after facing dead-end in their futile efforts, this organization has taken a new stance and tries to follow its objectives by some new means. An organization which isolated its members from the society or forces to get divorced or violates the basic human rights of its members is now talking about human rights and recently has resorted to the nuclear issue of Iran. In this regard, MKO intends to hide itself under the cover of some controversial and propaganda issues and hide its terrorist nature accordingly. On the other hand, there are some extremist hawkish parties which consider the law as an obstacle for achieving their illegal aims. They have extended their activities so much that now they reproach current and past US governments for designating MKO as a terrorist organization and keeping it in the FTO list. Meanwhile this issue increases the existing doubts on the instrumental and anti-human usage of terrorism by some states. The point is that MKO also takes advantage of this instrumental application and applies it as a cover for hiding its terrorist background and nature.

Instrumental usage of terrorism and supporting a terrorist cult which has murdered 12000 Iranians; attacked the civilians and military men; and committed high-jacking and armed robbery, is considered disrespect to terrorism victims by Justice Supporters Association and the families of 16000 victims of terrorism. We would like to pose this question that whether removing the name of this organization from the FTO list of US State Department and providing the necessary background for fund raising and collecting money for a terrorist group which has committed money-laundering and used that money for buying equipments and arms, is not violation of human rights? MKO has claimed responsibility for the assassination of seven American counselors and 12000 Iranian innocent people. Don’t you believe that delisting a terrorist group merely for some political excuses would pose security threats for the American citizens? Following the tragic event of September 11, when all the world people were mourning and expressing sympathy with victims, this organization had held celebration. There are also too many documents proving that Mojahedin-e Khalq has supported and helped Al-Qaeda in training and recruiting members. All of these evidences make us to fight more seriously against terrorism and prevent this terrorist organization from gaining power.

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