Albania’s Prime Minister: Tirana will take in 1900 more MEK members by the end of 2016

The Albanian Government will take in 1900 Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization members who currently reside in refugee Camp Liberty near Baghdad, Iran Didban Website reported from Agenzia Nova.  

The MEK member’s relocation in Tirana is based on an agreement between the governments of Albania and US during Senator Kerry’s last February visit to Tirana.

Kerry, returning to the United States from a four-day trip to Germany, made a brief stop in the Albanian capital Tirana to urge the government and opposition parties to support a major package of judicial and legislative reforms.

“While the reforms are needed for their own sake as well as E.U. membership, they also were key to Albania’s fulfilling a commitment to relocate thousands of members of the exiled Iranian Mujahedeen-e-Khalq opposition group”, AP quoted U.S. officials traveling with Kerry at the time.

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