Efforts to rescue the MEK hostages

Nejat families letter to Presdient al- Ebadi

We are a number of families from Ilam Province, Iran. Each family has a loved one taken as a hostage by the Mujahdin Khalq Organization (the cult of Rajavi) for over twenty years. Our beloved children have not been allowed to even make a phone call to contact us. The Cult of Rajavi has kept them behind the bars of the cult against their will.

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Nejat Society Letter to French MEP

The group authorities annually spend large amounts of money to hire speakers and attendees for the gathering of June. You may want to take a look at the audience in the MKO gatherings to get to know about the number of Iranians and non-Iranians present there! You may want to ask the speakers at the gathering about their speaking fees!

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Nejat society Letter to Albanian ambassador in Tehran

In the MKO, cult-like practices like manipulative brainwashing meetings and self-criticism sessions have completely convinced members to disregard their emotional and physical deprivations and instead to be absolutely obedient to the leader, Massoud Rajavi. Thus, they need more physical and emotional care than normal people do. That’s why their arrival in Albania can be the start of their liberation from all cult-like bars on their mind and body….

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Nejat Society representatives visit Ahmed Shaheed

A delegation from Nejat Society including Mrs. Abdollahi, Mrs. Beheshti,Mr. Atabay and Mr. Akbarzadeh attended the meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva…Nejat delegation had a thirty-minute private meeting with Ahmed Shaheed. ..These family members of Liberty prisoners had also a private meeting with Ms. Mara Steccazzini…

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MKO defector, Hassan Sharqi returns home

Hassan Sharqi returned his homeland following the release from the Cult of Rajavi (the MKO aka MEK/PMOI). After settlement in a hotel in Baghdad, Mr. Sharqi contacted his family. Consequently the calls with family, particularly his old mother made him determined to get back home by the help of the governments of Iran and Iraqi.

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Ashraf residents’ families letter to Mr. Al-Maliki

Unfortunately, every time we come here, not only didn’t the leaders of the Camp Ashraf allow us to visit our children, but also they insulted us and replied by throwing stones at us. But we are proud of our resistance against them and our emotional revealing words that caused a number of imprisoned members of the camp find the courage to escape the cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] and step in the free world.

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Once again Khuzestani families at Ashraf gates

The families of Ashraf residents from Khuzestan engaged for release of their children once more.They went to Camp Ashraf Iraq to assure their loved ones – held as hostages by the cult of Rajavi[ MKO/MEK/PMOI]- that they would do everything possible to help them release from the notorious camp Ashraf. The families wrote letters to Ms. Catherine Ashton and Iraqi Prime Minister…

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Nejat Society,Tehran families in front of Ashraf

The families of residents held in camp Ashraf, Iraq, left Tehran to join the others picketing at the Camp gates. Facing the gloomy atmosphere of the camp they are determined to bring hope, love and emotions back to humiliated hearts of their loved ones held as hostages by the Cult of Rajavi. The Beheshtis have lost one of their sons, Morteza in the MKO/MEK/PMOI…

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