The Third View on Mujahedin Khalq

Confessions of Raymond Tanter

The Iran Policy Committee describes itself as:
Iran Policy Committee (IPC) is comprised of former officials from the White House, State Department, Pentagon, intelligence agencies, and experts from think tanks and universities.

The Executive Director is described as a former employee of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

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Adnan Al-Dulaimi, The Master of Civil Wars

When Zarqawi, Al-Qaeda’s number one in Iraq, was killed Iraqi security forces found the mobile phone number …Iraqi security advisor, announced at that time that the government had found precious documents..the Iraqi government was pressed by Americans not to pursue the issue…

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The MEK continues to publish lies

Gobadi mentioned the Iran Policy Committee (IPC) without revealing if the MEK funds trips for Professor Raymond Tanter to speak at MEK conferences. Gobadi failed to reveal relationships between the MEK and the IPC staff (former CIA employee and former military officers). In particular, Gobadi could have provided details about published reports that the CIA is using MEK members to go into Iran as spies and to destroy Iranian property.

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Coalition of Zionists, Wahabis and Baathists

The role of mercenaries of Mojahedin-e Khalq terrorist organization also should be considered. This treacherous group, ready to sell itself, is angry from Iraqis, Shiites and Kurds and works hard alongside Wahabis and Baathists to promote terrorism. This group is a tool in the hand of Mossad and America.

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Iraqis Welcome Revelations on MKO

Now the government has emphasized that it is going to act against the MKO. Although too late, it should be appreciated. In this regard, we warn the government on the suspicious activities of Adnan al-Dulaimi and his son. He is the leader of terrorists. He should be arrested and tried…

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US already at war with Iran

The US seems to be using an Iraqi terror group known as Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK) to create instability and commit acts of violence (remember the terror bombings there?) in Iran before going to a full-on war with them, as reported by The Raw Story here. It appears that most of this group has been trained by the CIA.

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Pentagon denies employing MKO members by US Army

In its recent edition, the Weekly quoted a former US official (who asked for anonymity) saying that Secret Agents of US Army were employing the MKO members in Camp Ashraf in Iraq.According to this former official, employment of MKO members is illegal since the group has been designated as a terrorist organization by US State Department and therefore Pentagon sends them to Israel for training.

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MEK , USA ;Strange Bedfellows

The MEK, however, has a big handicap: The U.S. government says it’s a terrorist organization. Officials cite its role in the murder of Americans in the 1970s and subsequent terror attacks that killed hundreds of Iranians. Another big blemish is the group’s long collaboration with Saddam Hussein. On top of all that, former members describe the MEK as a personality cult obsessed with celibacy and martyrdom.

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