MEK Camp Ashraf

Defector of the MKO reopen the black Box of Camp Ashraf Massacre

The human wall was formed by young women. They wanted to pretend that Rajavi was in the base ignoring his disappearance since years ago. They cried so badly that the poor rank and file would believe that Massoud Rajavi was really there. This was another fraudulent show by Rajavi to give the false impression that he was in Iraq together with his rank and file!

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MKO Camps Visa!

The document released by some dispatched members of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI reveals that the members had to go through strict procedures in order to go out of camp Ashraf and even commuting between different parts of the Camp. they had to fill out a form requiring their name, destination, time it takes for he/she to be out , reason of his/her exit along with signature and approval from his/her superior. …

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MKO defector reveals mass graves near Camp Ashraf

The former member of the terrorist groups said on Monday that one of the graves is located near the Khan Qarafeh village on the Versateh hill, which is about five kilometers from Camp Ashraf. He said that the MKO/MEK/PMOI leaders are claiming that the people buried in these mass graves are victims of ethnic cleansing in Iraq. The former MKO member …

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Who killed ex MEK member Massoud Dalili?

Weeks later Iraq announced that the death toll was 53, not 52 as previously claimed by the MEK. The revised figure was due to the fact that the 53rd victim had had his face so badly burned that it took a while to identify him as one of the MEK and not one of the attackers and to discover his true identity.

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Reporters explore Rajavi’s hideout in Camp Ashraf

The residents were transferred to the temporary transit Camp Liberty during 2013, consequently the camp was opened to reporters in December 2013.The second film shows reporters exploring Rajavi’s hideout and the nuclear bunker at Camp Ashraf in Iraq. The camp was home to the Saddam backed Mojahedin Khalq, a terrorist cult, for three decades.

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