Human Rights Abuse in the MEK

Rajavi ; inimitable jailor

I was so happy when the travel arrangements were made for my visit to Iraq. I eagerly traveled to Iraq and Camp Liberty where my brother resided. I hoped to see my brother; Hamidreza after so many years. However, I found myself confronted with feelings of desperation when…

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I was lucky that I didn’t get back to the MKO!

“I have had seven to eight mother,” Hanif said about his childhood as an immigrant. His biological mother was not allowed to call him except once a year on his birthday. “About my father I have very few memoirs,” he said with a regretful look.A large number of children of the MKO/MEK/PMOI members were then brought back to the MKO’s camp…

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On the occasion of Maryam Rajavi’s Women’s Day show

While Maryan Rajavi the leader of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/ Rajavi’s Cult), is about to hold conference on the occasion of Women’s Day on Feb 27, 2016 in Paris, France to allegedly defend the right of Iranian women, one should ask her who is to save the women entangled in your cult in Camp Liberty Iraq. The entanglement that transfered the women to modern slaves that would set themselves a flame …

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How Mujahedin Khalq abducted my brothers

Two weeks later Mostafa called us. While crying he said “.. why didn’t my sister come here.. they will kill me…,” he was crying when the connection suddenly cut out. Tanks God. We were lucky that the Rajavi army didn’t succeed to take another member of our family as hostage.After the last call we could not find my brothers….

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MEK hostages families’ campaign to free their beloveds

Below is the letter of Ms. Mahmonir Iranpour who is sister of two Camp liberty residents. Her brothers; Ahmadreza and Mohammadreza were deceived by the MKO/MEK/PMOI Cult elements in Turkey into joining the group in 2002. They were then transferred to Camp Ashraf, Iraq. From then on the Iranpour family have had no contact with their beloveds.

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For the MEK some families are good but others are “agents”

They are afraid of being labelled by the MEK/MKO/PMOI, so instead of defending the right of all families to find their loved ones, they separate the families into ‘mine and yours’. They advocate for the human rights of Rahimi and Sepher, but not for other families. This is the same thing the MEK does; if you are with us you are a ‘family’, if not you are an ‘agent’. ..

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Let Ayoub Lorestani’s lawyer contact him at Camp Liberty

Even though we keep track on Ayoub’s transfer to a third country via a lawyer in Australia and the UNHCR has accepted to cooperate on the issue, the Mujahedin-e Khalq are not cooperative. During these two years we have several times contacted the MKO officials; however they do not reply us. .. ….. Do the MKO members’ families deserve such behaviors?!

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