Human Rights Abuse in the MEK

Rajavi panic families picketing at Camp Liberty!

On June 9th, 2015 several family members of Mujahedin-e Khalq aka MEK/MKO/PMOI hostages – who are kept in Camp Liberty, Iraq having no access to the outside world and under the severe brainwashing practices – established a permanent stake in front of the Camp entrance. The families’ only demand is to meet their beloved ones whom they have not visited for long years.

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Urgent action is needed to save women from MKO camps

While the leader of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/ Rajavi’s Cult), holds conference on the occasion of Women’s Day in Berlin, Germany to allegedly defend the right of Iranian women, one should ask her to present a proposal about the economic, political and social achievements of women in her own camps both in France and Iraq.

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The MKO Adore Hypocrisy on Human Rights

The self-claimed president of the group, Maryam Rajavi uses this opportunity to describe the 61st resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 18, 2014, “as another decisive document on illegitimacy of having economic and political relationship with the ruling clerical regime in Iran.”Prior to the recent resolution, in November Dr. Ismail Salami wrote on the Global Research….

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Solidarity with women residing in the MKO camps

The impact of women’s rights abuse ranges from immediate to long-term multiple physical, sexual, and mental abuses, including death. It negatively affects women’s general well-being and prevents women from fully participating in society. Violence not only has negative impacts on the victims but also on their families, the community and the country at large. As a result of these abuses, women are facing grave consequences in the MKO.

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