Maryam Rajavi

Maryam Rajavi threatens to massacre the hostages at Camp Ashraf

… What Rajavi is really threatening is that the MEK leaders will massacre their own people if any external agency should attempt to interfere with the MEK’s totalitarian control over the camp’s residents. Her real message is that the residents of Camp Ashraf are being held as hostages and the MEK leaders will kill them if anyone tries to rescue them. It must be understood that the threat is real. The MEK leaders Massoud and Maryam Rajavi have a history of shedding the blood of ordinary MEK members for political gain. In 2003 two MEK members died in Paris and London after setting themselves on fire …

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Victimizing people; the utmost generosity of Rajavi

why the doors of Ashraf Camp have never been opened for the families of the victims? Why the MKO members like some captives, have been denied the life out of the camp? In other word, what are the implications of such great efforts for keeping the members inside the camp? In fact the question is that for which reason Rajavi keeps her members in a base which she calls it a bloodbath?Without any effort to take the members out of this so-called bloodbath, Rajavi constantly corresponds with American officials

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Maryam Rajavi’s background and experience

Launching her ideological revolution in the late 20th century, Maryam Rajavi took her cult to the darkest days of middle ages. She suppressed any freedom not only in Ashraf prisons but also in members’ family and personal life…In order to maintain her cult, she has no way except depriving people from their freedom. She has even theorized the issue claiming that the human’s substance was originated in evil and corruption ..

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MKO: People’s Friends or Foes

Maryam Rajavi’s trip to Germany indicates Europeans double standards towards terrorist and violent groups. They endanger the security of their own countries by playing an illogic game with such groups. According to political principals and EU laws, any group or entity with a background of terrorist, violent acts against civilians should be boycotted for much political financial or spiritual support..

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The Mask Maryam Rajavi wears

Under the cover of an elegant muslim Iranian woman, she claims to be concerned over what she calls “tragic suppression of women by the regime”. Then she introduces her cult of personality as an example of “women’s participation in leadership positions which supplies the dynamic and vitality for this resistance’s perseverance and progress”. She speaks of the role of her female members as “a guarantor for lasting democracy and development in tomorrow‘s Iran”..

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Maryam Rajavi – the real message following the Haiti disaster

… A source inside the Mojahedin organisation’s headquarters in the affluent Paris suburb has reported that the earthquake in Haiti has been tagged as a fundraising opportunity. In an Open Letter to British PM Gordon Brown, Massoud Khodabandeh of Leeds based MESC Ltd, warned that the MKO’s … Under the patronage of western supporters, the MKO’s bogus charity was immediately reinvented under other names – in particular those fundraising for Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

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Maryam Rajavi and 12 months to overthrow

As a matter of fact it has always been a special policy in MKO history to determine a time for the fall of IRI. The use of the policy is that the leaders of the cult find a new topic for their manipulative sessions, they entertain the members injecting them the hope for the victory of their so-called struggle, especially in the current declining situation of the group in Iraq.

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Freedom according to Rajavi

Considering the 3 decade history of Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization[MKO/MEK/PMOI] and the testimonies of hundreds of former member of the organization denounce the true nature of Maryam Rajavi’s destructive cult in which modern slavery is practiced and members are imprisoned in Camp Ashraf, Iraq or Camp Maryam, France. These facts about Maryam Rajavi and her terror cult clarify the contradiction between her claim for freedom and the real conditions ruling her cult.

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A look at Maryam Rajavi’s interview with AFP

Maybe Maryam Rajavi doesn’t want to accept the fact that she and her fugitive husband have to be brought on justice due to their terrorist acts and human right abuses committed in their cult. She’d better have look at the limbo Camp Ashraf has been tangled In. the truth is that the case of Camp Ashraf doesn’t enjoy the least value or importance in political transitions of the world. This is what Maryam Rajavi should worry about.

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